With Jack's help

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This is the same One-Shot which I have written under the name "Help me, Jack". I wanted to rewrite it with the grammar and English I use now. Enjoy!

The Doctor clumped outside his bedroom, running a hand through his gorgeous hair while yawning. He walked down to the console room where Rose and Jack were talking.

"I'm telling you, I've seen the way you look at him. It's obvious." Jack chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Rose turned away from him.

"Oh, come on Rose. We both know how you feel about him."

Rose made a face, rolling her eyes. Maybe it was true, yes. Yet it was impossible for her to confess something so colossal as her feelings, and she damn well knew she didn't want to end up on a Moon somewhere. Besides, he was a Time Lord. She was human. Not even worth for comparison.

"Rose, you've got to tell the Doctor." Jack raised an eye brow.

"Tell me what?"

The Doctor approached them curiously. Rose froze there for a second, hoping he hadn't heard them talking. She plastered a smile on her face and turned to face the Doctor.

"Nothing important." Jack added. "Just that...Rose is allergic to bananas."

She widened her eyes in concern. What was that for a weird answer? She had never had a problem with bananas, she loved them, actually.

"Really?" the Doctor frowned. "You never said. Are you alright?"

"Well... I guess I didn't want to... worry you?" she looked at Jack who nodded. "Especially since you love them so much."

"Well, then remind me to never eat bananas in front of you anymore." he rubbed the back of his neck. "Never heard of banana allergies. Only of fructose allergies. Do you want a checkup?"

"No! No!" she shook her head. "I am quite alright. For now, let's see what the outside brings, eh?"

His serious face turned into a wide grin.

After having the TARDIS land with a huge 'thump', the Doctor walked over to his coat.

Jack talked quietly.


"No, Jack."

"But you have to."

"How? It's not like he's ever gonna notice. He's too daft for that. I mean look at him." she pointed at the Time Lord, who was now stroking bits of the time machine. "He loves his TARDIS."

"Well, he might be a bit thick sometimes but unless you tell him..." Jack shrugged. A big idiot smile emerged on his lips.

"What you grinning for?

"We've got work to do." he winked. "Doctor. We'll need a second. Don't wander off without us."

"I'm not the one you should tell that to." the Doctor beamed at Rose.

"When are we, by the way?"

"Aberystwyth, 1675. Why?"

"No reason."

The TARDIS was amazing. It had unlimited bedrooms, libraries and a pool. It had numerous kitchens and an interior garden. A garden! And after all of that, it had a huge dressing room. That's where Jack and Rose stood, stroking clothes and admiring shoes. So many colors and styles.

"Stay right here, 'kay?" Jack said.

He had picked up a backless beige dress with subtle gold details and lace at every end. It fell down like a waterfall and its buttons shimmered in the gaze of light. Along with it, he chose black heels with two little bows sticking on each side.

"I'm gonna make him notice you."


"Nope. You're not arguing with me. You're gonna wear these whether you like it or not. I believe in the feminine power."


"Go! Now!" he pointed with his finger.

"No, but listen. I can't put the corset on alone."

"Oh. Yeah, sorry. Tell you what, you put on the chemise and then I'll help out with the rest."

"Ok. Remember me to not do this ever again." Jack wiped the sweat off his brow. Putting a corset on someone was quite tricky, he thought. And it required energy. A lot of it.

"I don't know how women managed this." Rose tried to breathe. "Blimey, I feel like a canned Slitheen."

"Rose? Jack? Where are you?" the Doctor called.

"Just a second." Jack replied. "Ok. It looks perfect." he told Rose, pushing her out of the room. She walked the long hallway down to the console room with Jack ambling behind her.

When she entered, the Doctor froze. Wow, he thought.

"Hello." she greeted, an awkward smile plastered on her face.

"Hello." the Doctor grinned.

"So. First things first, how to I look?" she twirled, the dress' design shining in the light of the TARDIS.

"... different."

"Good different or bad different?"

"Just... different." he beamed. "You look dazzling, Rose."

It was true. She did look amazing. The corset had her curves follow a beautiful form, accentuating them. And her blond hair fell down her shoulders, contouring her face.

Her heart skipped a beat at his affirmation. Was it always this hot?

"Would you please stop sex eyeing and start dancing already?" Jack interrupted.

"Dancing?!" both Rose and the Doctor exclaimed.

The TARDIS dimmed the lights a little, playing a slow song. "Well then, miss Rose Tyler. Would you be so generous?" he offered her his hand, which she gently took and squeezed.

The Doctor moved his other hand down her hip and pulled her in. They were practically inches away from kissing, and yet, they didn't.

"What's the occasion?" he whispered, not wanting to disrupt... whatever they had going.


"The dress is brilliant, you look amazing. But what for?"

"It was Jack's idea."

"Wait. Jack's? He planned it?" he let out a laugh. "Well, of course he did."

"What do you mean?"

"That sneaky-"


He stepped even closer, pressing his body against hers, then kissed her with force, hunger and passion. That surprised her, yet she didn't argue. Their lips moved in sync, pulling away to breathe then back in to kiss even more. She opened her mouth, letting him explore and he bit her tongue. At which she then bit his lower lip, which made him moan. The Doctor lifted her up and she put her legs around his hips. The Doctor thrust but noticed they weren't even naked. Then he abruptly stopped, pulling away from her. Rose gasped for air.

"Blimey." she said.


"What about him?"

"He planned all this. He wanted me to tell you, then made you do this."

"Tell me what?"

"That I..." he stepped forward, pressing his forehead against hers. He closed his eyes. "That I love you, Rose Tyler."


"Tell me, Rose. Please tell me you love me too. Please." he begged, at which she grinned.

"Oh, you have no idea. I love you so much I can't even put it in words." she gave him a short kiss.

"Now I understand Jack's strange behavior from today. And why he told me to confess to you. Nine hundred years and I've been played by a Time Agent."

"Former Time Agent." Jack whispered to himself behind the door. "Good job, TARDIS. Never thought I'd work out so good." he laughed. "I am a genius!"

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