For once, listen to me!

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If you remember the episode The Impossible Planet /The Satan Pit, you'll understand what I am talking about. I just continued what says on that picture above :) Hope you'll like it.
I also take requests, so if you have any ideas, message me!

"You'd have to get a mortgage." said Rose before starting to laugh out loud.
"No. That's it. I'm dying. It's all over."

She stared into the Doctor's eyes for a second, afterwards feeling her cheeks burn.
"I'd have to get one too. We could both.." the girl sighted in embarrassment "..share one."

The Timelord quickly looked up at her, feeling his both hearts go crazy. Did she actually said what he heard? Was it all true?
Rose looked into the other direction, while the Doctor left his head slowly fell forwards, just enough to hide his embarrassed face. He loudly sighted.

"I wouldn't...mind it." he finally managed to whisper.
Rose looked at him shocked. Obviously, it wasn't what she was expecting him to say. He would never do domestic, and that implies getting a mortgage.
"If it's with you.." he continued "I don't mind it."
"" said the girl looking down, smiling ,breathing in and out. "We'll need money though." she added.

The Doctor lifted his head. "Right. Never used money before. "
"Can't even imagine that." Rose replied. "My mom used to say that-..."
"Nevermind. I think...I think I'll go see if I'm able to help out."

Thinking about her mother hurt Rose. She will never be able to see her again, to call her, to hear her voice. It was all over. Goodbye Earth.
She slowly walked some stairs, wiping the tears full of pain off, until she reached Toby, who was working on some kind of vase.

" Toby, sorry to bother you. Are there any empty rooms here?" she asked hiding her face.
"Wh-why? What's wrong?"
"I just need to-you know, chill a bit."
"Yea, of course. Walk straight, turn left and you'll see this door, "EMP" says on it. "
"Thank you, Toby."
Rose started to slowly move towards the given direction.
"Wait!" called out Toby. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Yes. Just a bit tired, I think."

'This is it. EMP.' thought the girl opening the door. It was a dark room with a bed and a mini desk placed in the left corner of the room. Enough to chill. Or cry. Or scream. Enough for her.
She slowly sat down and looked up, thinking about what she should do next. It was obvious. There was no turning back anymore, no TARDIS, no traveling, no nothing.
'At least I've got the Doctor.'

She closed her eyes and left out a loudly sight. 'I'm sorry, mum. I never listened to you. It's all my fault. But don't worry. I'll be fine. I wish you could hear me..still, I love you.'

Her thoughts were disturbed by two knocks on the door and a voice calling out for her.
"Rose? Are you in there? It's me. Can I come in?"

She quickly wiped off the remain tears and stood up, opening the door. A concerned face appeared in front of her; the Doctor's face.
He looked into her brown eyes and managed to breath, after all the running.
"You cried." the timelord finally spoken. "Rose, why did you cry?"
"What? I didn't cry. Why would I cry?" She quickly pressed her fingertips on her cheeks.
"Your eyes, Rose. They are red... What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I mean it."
"Can I come in?"

The Doctor stepped in and sat on the bed. "Come here."
After the girl sat besides him, he put his hand on her forehead, then down her cheek.
"What is wrong, Rose? You can tell me."

Every touch he was giving her, made her shiver, feeling two or three cells of her body explode. Has the Doctor always had those soft hands ?

"I feel like...I can't breath, Doctor. I feel stuck and not being able to move. I'm feeling watched and I'm afraid. I feel like this rock we're standing on is going to explode and let us die. I feel like I am going to lose you, and every time I look at you, makes me want be there for you. But you won't let me in. Why aren't you letting me in, Doctor? Have I done something wrong?"
"Wha..Rose. No. You don't ne-"
"I'm not finished! For once, please let me talk first, Doctor! Because that's what you're doing every time! You cut me off, and I can't say anything. And it drives me crazy! Because I always have to keep it in, not saying it." the Timelord watched shocked, not managing to say a word . "You are doing this to me. You are driving me nuts every time I look at you, and you won't even notice what is wrong with me everyday, Doctor! You call yourself a Doctor, but you are not even aware that I fell in love ! I love somebody who doesn't even look at me! I love you, you bastard alien!"

Rose finally finished off, breathing in and out. After all she said, the Doctor was still looking confused through her. Like nobody was even there.
"Rose, I-"
"No! It's fine. I'm sorry. I-...Just pretend I haven't said anything."
"I told you to pretend-"
"No!! Now it's my turn! And you're going to listen, young lady! It's my turn to tell you what I think! What I always wanted to say! But couldn't because of my stupid consciousness! Because right NOW, I feel like wanting to snogg the hell out of you!!!" screamed the Doctor.
"Then why aren't you already doing it?!?!!"
"Because I don't have the courage!!!"
"Well I DO!!!"
She finished screaming, then grabbed the Doctor's tie and made his lips press on hers hungrily. Such a nice feeling to have after all the stress they have been through. It felt there, and it felt real.
Rose laid back and the Doctor moved on top of her, literally ripping off his suit. She managed through kisses to move her hands upwards and take her jacket off, sometimes biting his lower lip, which made him moan in pleasure.
He felt blood rushing through his veins 10 times more faster than usual, as he tried taking off her t-shirt and succeeding. Her body felt really hot, as he thought, and everytime he touched her, drove him mad, wanting it more and more.
The Doctor would always call out her name through everything they were doing, and that made her feel more excited.

She finally took off her jeans, then moved on top of the Doctor, kissing his neck, then slowly down, more and more. This was her time to win the battle.
"Rose?" he whispered through pleasure.
She quickly looked up at him.
"I love you and I want you." the Timelord continued.
"I love you too."

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