That's mine, Rose!

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I need to thank BADW0LFS  for giving me the idea for this part. This person is amazing! Credits to you, hun!
I'm still taking requests, so if you have any ideas, send them to me!
Enough with this, I hope you'll enjoy this part as well!

"I am telling you, Rose! Give it back!"
"Or what?" she smiled, tongue between her teeth.
"Or," he moved towards her desk, then took out the yellow diary "i'll start reading out loud what's in this."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Are you sure? Just give that back to me and I won't." He pressed his right hand finger on his lower lip, then looked at the beautiful Notebook full with secrets.
"Not until you put it right back!" argued the pink and yellow girl, taking a straight position, hands on her hips.
"Ok, let's see, first page." he slowly opened the diary on page number one.
"I am warning you, Doctor! Put it right back!"
"Or what?"
"Or I will eat this banana of yours! And I know you don't want me to!"
"I'm telling you Rose! I'll start reading it!"
She didn't make any move, just stood there looking deep into his eyes.
"Ok. You asked for it! There's no turning back!" added the Doctor grinning.
"Doctor, don't!"
"Dear diary,
Today, 23rd of March, was actually a nice day."
"Doctor, i'll start eating it!!" shouted the girl, peeling out the banana.
"I woke up early today. I hoped that maybe I could prepare the breakfast before the Doctor wakes up.."
"Oh, please! I'm doing it!!"
"But as always, I found him in the console room, working on his sonic screwdriver."
"Doctor, please stop!! "

He quickly looked up at her.

"Why? You already took a bite from that." said the Timelord pointing out the banana which Rose was holding. "And you knew that was the last one. That's why, this is going to be a punishment." he smiled "And I really don't think you wrote anything important on the first page. I mean, who does that?"

The girl's cheeks started to burn in red hot 'tomato' sauce. Rose wasn't everybody, and of course, her life was full of adventures, which meant it was normal to write a lot on the first page. She loud out sighed. It was over now, he was going to find out and laugh at her.
"But..Doctor..That's just-"
"He was wearing his blue suit today. A black T-shirt, white converse, and as always, his brown coat. I really love this combination.."

The girl sat embarrassed on the ground, covering her face with her hands. What if he's going to laugh at her? This should've never happen! Not like this! He'll think she's obsessed and throw her out the TARDIS.

"Sometimes I like to think maybe he'll notice something..But he won't. He is too concentrated on what he's working on. I always feel like a plastic bag..I'm just a human after all."
He quickly looked up her diary. Rose was there on the ground, covering her face, trying not to listen to him reading.

"Oh, Rose.. Why, why would you think that? You're not just a human.."

The Doctor couldn't understand why she was thinking so low of herself. Rose was amazing after all. She did saved him so many times, she always helped, why was she thinking that?
He couldn't remain himself calm. He wanted to know, and even though it wasn't nice to do it, he looked back at her diary and started to read into his mind.
"We've been through so much together, and I really didn't want this to happen, because he would never accept it. Not ever! He is a Timelord, I am a stupid ape; he lives forever, I don't. But even so, my heart won't ever stop pounding like crazy when I'm near him. My thoughts won't stop overreacting and my body won't stop shaking. Because, it's true..I love him even if he doesn't love me.I love this man more than every single cell of my body. I love you, Doctor! And I would write it another hundred times down here."

The Doctor gasped for air, feeling his whole face burn. It wasn't what he was expecting. Nobody writes things like this on the first page..or was it just him? He never thought Rose would feel this way about him, because..well , it was wrong. Her feelings towards him were so wrong. And worse than that..he loved her too. He loved her bright smile, her blonde hair, her brown eyes and the little mistakes she would do aboard the TARDIS. Oh, he loved that woman with all his hearts, was still wrong.

The pink and yellow girl stood up, still looking down, then stepped near the Doctor, enough to grab her diary and place it on the desk.
"Now you know." she whispered.

"No..I know, it's ok. Just" she quickly looked him in the eye "please don't make me go. I don't want this life to end."

A shocked look made its way on his face. What was she even saying?

"Rose. I would never do that! I would never ever make you go! Not even if you break the TARDIS! What are you even thinking?"
"You, you really mean that?"
"Of course I do."
"Not even if I blow it up?"
"Not even if I bring a Dalek with me?"
"No. Of course not."
"Then you won't be bothered if I do this."

In less then just a second, she grabbed his tie then pulled him into a long and sweet kiss. It was wrong, of course it was. But if this was a stupid choice, why were the Doctor's hands moving on her back, hugging her? And why was his mouth responding to every move her lips were doing?
Her hands were already ruffling his hair with so much joy. She opened her mouth and waited for him to do the next move.
It was a wrong choice, but he loved it. All of this, everything that was happening. He loved the temperature, the embarrassment, the hearts pounding and..her. He didn't want to let go anymore.

After she pulled out, she looked him in the eye.
"I'm sorry, Doctor. It won't happen again. I promise."

The girl tried to escape from his arms, but he held her so tight, she couldn't move.

"Why?" he confusedly asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I want-. Rose, I know it's a mistake"
"Yeah me too."
"And we shouldn't do it."
"I know, right?"
"But I loved it."

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"I loved it, Rose! Every mistake, I love it. And I'd love you to do this more often! Because I LOVED IT! And I LOVE you, Rose Tyler! I don't care if the Dalek fleet comes here right now! I want more of those mistakes!"
"Rose, I love you!"

He pressed another sweet kiss on her lips, making her moan.
"I love you, so much..."

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