Dead end

693 29 15

I hate the wall that breaks apart
The love that I've been building,
I'm crying every lonely night,
It breaks me, what I'm feeling.

I tried to have a normal life
And smile under the Sun,
But tears are stabbing with a knife
My feelings for this man.

Now tell me, Doctor, where are you?
I'm waiting since that day.
I know you're there, I need a clue
To make this life obey.

I can't stop crying, feeling tearless,
A gun is in my hand.
I put it at my head, I'm fearless
I'm waiting a command.

But if I'm fearless, why I'm shaking?
My heart is dozing off,
Would this be a mistake I'm doing?
Or will it be just soft?

I blinked three times and breathed in,
I'm telling you, I'm ready!
I pulled the trigger and fell down,
My heart isn't too steady.

The Doctor now will never know,
The lovely Rose is gone.
Her grave is full with tears and snow,
The Doctor is alone.

Hello guys! ❤️ How are you? I hope you enjoyed this part, and I'm sorry if it was too sad. :( I felt like doing a poem, since I haven't done this in a while.
Allons-y! 💙

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