Help me, Jack!

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Hello guys, and please forgive me!! Please forgive me!! This part was just stupid and if it bored you, PLEASE tell me down there. I need to know ! I need to improve! Most parts didn't even make sense, I know. Forgive me, but I had to write it while my two brothers played with the guitar and made such a noise. :/ I'm sorry. I'll make another part, which I hope will be better than this one.
Luv you! xo xo

The Doctor stepped outside his bedroom, ruffling his gorgeous brown hair. He was tired, and this was a weird and new feeling for him. The man walked towards the console room, hearing some voices from the end of the hallway. It was Jack and Rose.

"I'm telling you, i've seen how you look at him. It's obvious." whispered the blue eyed time agent to the girl.
"What? What do you mean by that? "
"Oh, come on Rose. We both know you love him."

The pink and yellow girl felt her face become hotter and hotter, not even knowing how to reply to Jack's insistence. Maybe it was true, yeah; but impossible for a human like her to confess something like this to the last Timelord in the whole Universe. He wouldn't even look or notice something.

"Rose, you've got to tell the Doctor!" repeated Jack.
"Tell me what?"
The Timelord approached them curious, looking deep into their eyes. Rose froze for a second. What was to do right now? What could she say to him? Hopefully he didn't heard anything she and the time agent were talking about earlier.
The girl took a big deep breath in, then faced the Doctor smiling, but before she could've said anything, Jack spoke .
"Nothing important, just that..Rose is allergic to bananas."

She quickly looked at him stunned. What was that for a weird answer anyway? She never had such a problem, the girl liked bananas. Loved them, in fact.

"Really?" replied the Doctor in surprise. "You never told me that."
"Well.."she added "I just, didn't wanted to a burden? I think.."
"Oh, well, then remind me never to let bananas near you." He quickly smiled running down the stairs. "For now, we should check out the outside world! A new day!"

After the Doctor started to press buttons and pull levers, Jack turned again, enough to face the girl.
"No, Jack."
"But you have to."
"How? It's not like he's ever going to notice. I mean, look at him." she pointed out with her right hand at the Timelord "he would never be interested. He loves his TARDIS."
"Are you sure about that?"
A big and fool grin made its way on Jack's face.
"What are you laughing at?"
"We've got a lot to work on."
"What? What do you mean by th-"

Before the girl could finish her sentence, he grabbed her arm and pulled her into the dressing room.
This TARDIS was just so amazing, so many dresses and shoes, so many colors and styles. Jack would've loved to be a woman.

"Stay right here! Ok? I am going to ask the Doctor when and where we landed. You just, be a good girl."
The time agent ran towards the console room, leaving the girl by herself in the TARDIS's enormous dressing room.
She sat down looking at her reflection in the mirror.

What is Jack even thinking? There was no possibility for her to tell the Doctor how she felt. He would never accept her feelings; he is immortal and superior.
There were times, when the Timelord would look at her in a different way; and she would notice that, but never ask about it, because if she did, the Doctor would get upset and maybe bring her back home. Well, at least that's what Rose thought.

The door opened again and inside stepped Jack bright smiling.
"1890, Cardiff."
"What do you mean 'and' , Rose? I'm going to make him notice you."
"What?!? There's no way, Jack! Why won't you understand?"
"Because I believe in feminine power. And I want you to wear this."

The time agent picked up a TARDIS blue beautiful dress, with subtile soft gold stripes; backless princess style. A corset and gorgeous black high heels, with a little bow tie on each one. As always, he grinned one more time, handing them to the girl.

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