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"Rose!" called out the Doctor. "Rose, where are you?"
"I'm here! I'm here! Don't scream like that!"

The pink and yellow girl exited her bedroom, then walked the stairs to the console room.

"What's up?" she joyfully asked, walking towards him.
"Where should we go today, Rose? Should we go on Oberon? It's a very nice Moon. I went there once, when I was younger, to celebrate. I will never forget that alien I met." he laughed "Girlio was his name. He told me about his family and how he had to run away from them. He didn't want to get married. Funny guy."

The Doctor leaned back in his beige seat smiling.
"So. What do you think?"
"Sounds good to me!"

After 3 buttons pressed, 2 levers pulled and a loud sound, the TARDIS landed, leaving the two travelers inspect the beautiful area.

Oberon was indeed magnificent. Where they landed, happened also to be a big city, full with many kinds of aliens. The sky was a nice purple color and the horizon reflected in a mixture of green and blue.

"It's so marvelous here!" exclaimed Rose in surprise.
"Told you. Maybe we'll find that restaurant too. It used to be so full with people."
"What restaurant?"
"The most famous one on Oberon. They used to call it 'the Kingdom'. "

The Doctor smiled, grabbing the girl's hand, then entered a vehicle, which drove them through the beautiful, populated city.

After 20 minutes of traveling, they finally made it to "the Kingdom" ,then stepped inside holding hands. Luckily, she was wearing a nice dress, which made her fit in with the atmosphere.

The girl watched impressed in awe the beautiful inside of the golden building. Everything was classic, walls full with enormous paintings and a crystal chandelier above their heads.

The Doctor guided Rose to a table, then pulled out a chair for her. She blushed. It wasn't everyday you could see the Timelord do such sweet things. He was a gentleman.

"Th-thank you." she whispered. "You..you didn't tell me. Why are we her-"
"Good evening. Can I take your order?" a tall, blue eyed girl cut her off.
The Doctor looked up.
"Yes, of course, thank you. Rose, what would you like to eat?"
"Impress me, Doctor. What do you recommend?" she smiled, tongue between her teeth.
He looked her in the eye, making a confident look, then ruffled his hair, thinking.

"Well, we would like..Let's see. Two portions of Cuarcombella with a bit Puore and a bottle of wine."

The girl looked confused.

"Wine? Are you sure? You hate wine."
"You'd be surprised, Rose. This drink here, it's just amazing."
"Ok. What's a Cuarcombella?"
"It's a traditional dinner here. And very tasty. I'm happy you can try it. I was planning on coming with you here since last week."
"You mean you planned this date for a whole week?"

The Doctor immediately blushed by hearing "date" in that sentence, but it was true. He planned taking her out for a dinner, then maybe walk on the streets of Oberon, and in the end...confess her..his love.

The tall women returned with two organized and weird looking plates with food, a bottle of red wine and two glasses, then placed them on the table.
"Enjoy your dinner."

Rose sweetly smiled, then turned her look towards the Cuarcombella. It has a weird appearance, but who knows? Maybe it does have a great taste, after all.
She took a sip from her glass, then grabbed a fork, hoping so much for not throwing up.

"Try it Rose. I mean it. It tastes good."

The pink and yellow girl cut a little piece, then ate it, swallowing.
The Doctor was right. It's marvelous! And it tastes like..a sort of chicken and beef.

"I told you!" smiled the Timelord proudly. "Rose..."
He leaned in, enough to grab her hand and hold it, then looked her in the eye.
"When we first met..I never thought we would go so far together. I wanted to say, thank you. You really are amazing."
The girl looked at him in tension, embarrassed, feeling her cheeks burn.

"I-..I. Thank you too, Doctor. This life you showed me, it's just amazin-"
"I love you, Rose." he quickly spoke the sentence out, looking down.

She felt her heart racing like a roller coaster, blood rushing through her veins three times faster than usual. As Rose looked up, she saw two hoping eyes watching her insistent, with hope.
Did she actually heard that? The Doctor, confessing to her?? That can't be true, right? She is just a shop girl, from Earth. Why would he even love her?
The girl took a big amount of air inside, then left it out, touching one cheek of her face. What should she even say? Rose loved him too, of course..but, she wasn't sure enough that what she heard wasn't an illusion.
The Doctor left out a big sigh.

"Yes, Rose. Don't look like that. You heard completely correct. I know it could be bothering you...I am very old and an alien, I may not come from Earth, and I'll live forever..but I don't care. I don't care if I break the Gallifreyan rules or the human ones, because...I really really lo-"
"Stop!" exclaimed the girl standing up.
She grabbed her little purse, then ran outside the Kingdom, feeling tears streaming out her eyes.
Why was she even crying? What's with this behavior?

The Doctor was confused. He stood up too, then turned towards the exit, asking himself questions over questions. He just broke a friendship right now, didn't he? She's never going to forgive him, right?
He exited the building, running on the streets of Oberon, searching for a beautiful blonde girl. This wasn't supposed to happen. They should've run together right now.

After 30 minutes of searching, the Doctor gave up, and made his way towards the TARDIS. He would never be able to find her like that. He needed the time machine.
As he came nearer and nearer, he opened the door and took a step inside, but a little sound made him turn around.
There she was, the love of his life, crying right in front of him.
The Doctor quickly ran to her and pulled the girl into a hug.

"Oh, Rose. Where have you been? You scared me so much!!"
"I..-I am..so-"
"Shh..I understand, Rose. Let's go inside."
He grabbed her arm and tried to pull her inside.
"No.." she whispered through tears.

His both hearts stopped for more than a second. What was she talking about? Was she planning on staying here now?

"I..ran away, Doctor. But, I don't even know why.. I am even crying right now, without any reason... And as I ran on the streets of Oberon..I saw this couple. They were holding hands...and I saw us.. I mean, it was just..." she took a big deep breath in "..it was a shock to hear that from you..and I just, panicked, Doctor.. Because I realized now, those are not sad tears ...They are tears of joy..because I know..and I wished so much to hear that... Because..."
The Doctor cupped her face with both his hands and smiled.
"I love you too, Doctor. I love you so so much."

It didn't last a second, the Timelord leaned in and closed the distance between their mouths and pressed a sweet and soft kiss on her lips, not letting go. She moved her hands up his torso and hugged him hard, as he made his way through her mouth.
The Doctor gasped for air, then looked into her eyes.
"Let's go inside, shall we?"

The Doctor and Rose : ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now