Christmas Lights

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It's December. So I wanted to surprise you with something. Now, I haven't written fluff in a long time. Hope you like it though.

Listen to the song while reading, eyyy.

"This is completely pointless," Rose muttered to herself trying to untangle the Christmas lights. She scrunched her nose in annoyance before having chosen to just give up. 

Crashing into a chair nearby, Rose sighed. This was supposed to be the perfect Christmas, and yet, all of her efforts never availed. She gently massaged her temples. What a perplexing situation. 

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, " the Doctor entered the library, his voice (which to be honest was not that pleasing to hear singing) echoing the lyrics of the song. "And since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."

Suddenly, the music started playing, making Rose grow from a frown a big and wide grin. The Doctor came up to her and by grabbing her hand, he pulled her into a hug which later on turned into a dance.

"Man, it doesn't show signs of stoppin'," they both sang. "And I brought some corn for poppin', the lights are turned way down low, let it snow, let it snow let it snow." The Doctor twirled her around, letting her lean back against his arm, then pulled her back in. They touched their foreheads slightly, feeling each other's hot breaths against their mouths. They stared into each other's eyes for a mo before quickly drawing apart.

"I saw you were having some trouble," the Doctor smiled. "thought I'd cheer you up."

"Oh, that you did." Rose chuckled. 

"I did, didn't I?" he arched a brow. "So!" his voice went louder as he turned around to the Christmas lights. "What problem do we have here? Oh, I remember those; 1923."

The Doctor held the huge chunk of lights up, inspecting them attentively. "Willow Ross. Fancy man. Wore a new bow tie every single day. Offered them to me after getting the Grinch out of him."

"The Grinch?" Rose furrowed her brows.

"You sound surprised." he shrugged. "Well, technically not exactly the Grinch. It was more like a telepathic creature from different Universes. Once they possess a human, they feed on their joy like sucking on a lollipop. But his neighbors called him the Grinch."

"Wait. Are you telling me the Grinch was a real man? Blimey, all this stuff is hard to take in."

"Well, I mean, in a way we all have the Grinch inside of us, don't we?" the Doctor shrugged. "Now, let's see what we can do with this beauty." he referred himself to the lights.

Ten minutes after having untangled and hung the lights around the room, Rose and the Doctor chilled by the fireplace and drank tea on the floor. Her head rested on his chest as they were cuddled up under a warm blanket. 

"I wish it was Christmas every day." she said, feeling the smell of his cologne invading her nostrils.

"You're not making me visit your mother every day, Rose." he complained. 

"Oh, well, you do love her cooking." Rose grinned. "Admit it. Especially the banana pie."

The Doctor let out a loud sigh. "Okay, I give up. I do love her pie. But that doesn't make me wanna see her every day." they laughed.

They could hear the fire crackle and smell the wood scent which was now spreading all around the library. Under the blanket, she reached for his hand and he squeezed it. Then she pressed a kiss on his shoulder through his suit.

"What was that for?" the Doctor gazed at her with a cheeky smile.

"Well, the song was not over. So I finished it in my mind." she whispered. Her voice was now suave and soft. "When we finally kiss goodnight, how I'll hate going out in the snow. But if you really hold me tight, all the way home I'll be warm." 

The Doctor smiled at her. "Oh, Rose. What have I done to deserve you? But you know, that's not the kind of kiss he is talking about."

"No, I know. It's just..."


"You're not exactly the type to do kissing, Doctor."

"Oi, I can kiss!" he felt quite offended. "I'm the greatest kisser in this room."

"In case you haven't noticed," she looked around. "We are the only people in here. Besides, I don't think you're a better kisser than me."

"Wanna bet, Rose Tylah'?" his eyebrows shot up.

"Is that a challenge?" they slowly closed in, centimeters away from touching their lips.

"Oh, I'm always ready for one." 

With that, they closed the space between their faces. At first, it was a gentle kiss, but soon after, what seemed to be a 'challenge' turned into a proper snog. She pulled him in harder by the back of his neck, her other hand toying around with his hair; and he slowly pushed her down onto the floor, now pressing soft kisses on her jawline. 

Rose laughed. "That tickles." 

But he didn't stop. He went down her neck, brushing his lips teasingly; then she felt him smile over her skin when she shivered. Oh, it was on.

With that, she pulled him by the lapels back to her mouth. Rose kissed him hungrily, biting his lower lip, he let out a moan. She pulled away to look at him, leaving him mouth opened. 

"Okay, you win." the Doctor tried to breathe.

"Oh, I am not even done, Doctor."

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