A photo.

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"I told you, Rose. You don't have to do this. The TARDIS is doing it herself."
"I know, but-" she sighed "I am bored, Doctor."
"Then we could go on another planet!" he said "I've got plenty to show you."
"Doctor, I am bored, but not that kind of bored. I just..want to clean a room or so. It's not a crime."
"We could go visit your mum."
"Or fly through the vortex."
"Or stop the Weeping Angels."
"I'm not winning, am I?"

The Timelord sighed disappointed.
"Let the Tardis guide you then. I'm not used to this."
"Thank you!!" she smiled kissing one of his cheeks, then ran towards the stairs, up next floor.

Rose walked about 5 minutes: two corridors, 1 level and 3 doors, until she reached the destination the Tardis prepared for her.
"This is it, right girl?"
The Time Machine murmured.
Rose pressed the door handle, then stepped inside a dark room which smelled so old. She searched for a light switch, then turned it on.
"Wow." she whispered watching in awe.
"Is this..Girl, is this his old bedroom?"
The Tardis murmured again, making the pink and yellow girl smile.
"I can't believe it..I mean, isn't he going to get upset? Maybe I shouldn't be in here."

She started to inspect the surroundings, gently touching every piece of furniture, every piece of memory.
"This place is more than 100 years old, I can tell."

The room had an orange-gold color, which gives you a nice feeling, a feeling of home; a big bed in the center of it, two brown little nightstands, each one on one side of the bed, a big goldy closet, a table, a chair and...a baby bed?

The girl slowly approached the little bed in the corner, watching surprised and astonished. She couldn't believe it..but it was there. This baby bed was ..there, just in front of her eyes.
"Why, girl? Why did you brought me here?.."

The Tardis silently murmured a different sound, which Rose has never heard before; then lighted up the opposite corner of the room, guiding the girl towards it. There was laying a nice black notebook, full with dust. She took it in her hands and inspected it with attention.
'It can't be! The Doctor never does such a thing..I've never seen him write in a diary.'
Rose placed it back on the same spot smiling. This room was just..so old. She moved near the bed, then sat down sighing. The time machine made another sound.
"No, girl! I can't do that! It's his privacy, and he trusts me. I shouldn't do that." she quickly looked again at the diary, then 'evilly' smiled "Ok..Just a little peek..BUT! Don't tell him ok?"

First pages. Always the same..or rather not? This black notebook was the way to the Doctor's soul..or maybe that's what she just thought?
I used to be happy. I used to be me. And I used to have the half of myself there too. Why is life so complicated? Why does life have to change in just one second? Two streets, one choice; two loves, one joys. I needed to do it..I had to, because it was the only way to survive..to remain alive. But, was it all worth it? Everything I've done for it? Genocide..murder?
It's gone..and I can't take it back. My whole planet, destroyed, just in front of me..among with them, my family. My child and wife. I wish I could've died with them.. 600 years. I've lived long enough..

The girl opened her eyes astonished..shocked. Was this..?What was he talking about? Genocide? Murder? Family..?
As she laid down on the chair in the corner, a little photo escaped from the notebook's covers, flying through the dusty air.
"What's this?" the girl took it in her hands and started to stare at it. A beautiful short woman with a little and cute baby in her arms, a man besides her. Was this..was this the Doctor?

"Rose! Rose where are you?!" called out the Timelord from the hallway.
She quickly put the photo back in the Notebook, then placed it on the same spot again. She took a big deep breath in, as the Doctor opened the door and stepped inside.
"Rose? Are you here?"
She didn't reply; just stood there not looking at him..She was embarrassed to be here..it was a mistake, everything. Now, all of it..makes sense, and a part of her soul fell onto the cold rocky ground.
He walked towards her, then gently touched one of her shoulders with his hand,squeezing it.

"I am sorry.." she whispered. Tears started streaming out her eyes, leaving the pain explode out her body.
"I am so sorry, Doctor.."
He quickly pulled her in a warm hug, kissing her forehead.
"Rose, what's wrong? What have you seen?"
"I don't deserve you..I shouldn't be here, I'm not strong enough." said the girl sobbing. "I am so sorry, Doctor. Now I understand.."
"Rose. Tell me what you've seen.."
"I shouldn't have came here.. This is so painful..Your family and everything... I am just so stupid."
"Hey..hey, look at me." he gently cupped her face with his hands and stared into her red eyes. "Why are you saying that, Rose?"
"Because..I feel so guilty, and I don't know why. I am just SO stupid and I never understood..and now that I do..it hurts so much. Your wife would be mad to see her husband with such a stupid girl like me."
"My wife?! Rose! Have you read my Diary?"
"I'm sorry..I never wanted at first..but then..I am so sorry."
"Don't be..."he gently kissed her forehead "the Tardis led you here.. Rose, my..wife, would never be mad or disappointed.."
"She would be happy and proud..that I managed to move on and...fall in love again, with a strong girl, defender of the Earth."

The girl opened her eyes in surprise. What was he talking about? What does he mean by that?
He took both her hand in his, looking her in the eyes, smiling.
"She would be happy that I love you, Rose.." he leaned in, pressing a kiss down her cheek. "I love you, Rose Tyler."

Okay, okay. I know it doesn't have so much romance and stuff, but I really wanted to go deeper into his history, as I may say. I hope you still enjoyed it! <3 Thanks for voting and/or commenting! :D don't forget to check out my other story, Bad Wolf Girl. <3 Just updated today! :3
Have a nice day!

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