Doctah. My Doctah.

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"Why should I?!" snapped Rose angry "I don't want to go, so why would I do that?"
"I told you, Rose" tried to explain the Doctor "Just 3 days. That's all. I need you to stay home 3 days, while I am doing a thing."
"What thing? Why can't you just tell me?!"
"Because I can't, and I am sorry! But that's how it is. Please, Rose. 3 days."

The truth is, he wanted to go on this dangerous planet called "Kôtcha", which was invaded by a new kind of species; and he wanted to explore, but as always, it was extremely dangerous. He didn't want her to be there. Not this time.

"It looks like I won't win any argument, am I?" sighted the girl disappointed. "Oh well, then I'll go. BUT! I want you to keep this."

She grabbed her mobile which was laying on the seat and handed it to the Doctor.
"Keep it. I will call you or text you. Is that alright?"

The Timelord looked confused at the little technology, then up again at her, smiling.
"Ok." he sweetly replied. "I'll be back soon, Rose. I promise."
"Oh, you'd better be! Otherwise you won't be able to eat that banana cake I'm planning on cooking."

Rose loudly laughed, then smiled, tongue between her teeth.
"Be-just be careful, Doctor. Okay?"

She came near him and pressed a sweet and soft kiss on his cheek before stepping outside the TARDIS.

It was quite dark and cold today. Was it already winter?

She watched the time machine fade away, then started to walk towards her flat, shivering.
It was kind of weird to be back.
'I wonder what my mum's doing.'

She quickly walked the stairs up, then knocked on the door.
'I can't wait to see her.'
After another pair of seconds, Rose knocked again. There was no response. 'Is she already sleeping?'

"Mum? Mum, are you in there? Mum, it's me. Open the door!" exclaimed the girl knocking with all her might.
When a light made its way outside through the lockers hole, she knew everything was alright, and waited till the door opened and a blonde woman dragged her inside.

"Rose! Oh my sweet darling!! You're home! Come here!"
Jackie pressed a few dozens of kisses on Rose's cheek and forehead.
"Let me look at you! Oh Rose. How are you? I knew you'd come back!"
"Hey mum. Missed you too!"
"Fancy a cuppa?"
"Yeah. Thank you!"

Rose took off her jacket and nicely placed it on a chair, then sat on the couch, turning on the TV. It was nice to be home. Nothing was changed, and as always, Jackie's voice had to be there too.

"So where's that Doctor? Did he end up on Mars?"

She quickly put on the table two mugs filled with sweet tea, then sat besides her daughter.

"He left."
Rose took one of the cups and warmed herself with a good sip of tea.

"What? Did he left you?!"
Jackie stood up angry.
"I knew it!! I knew he was going to leave you behind!! That bastard alie-"
"Mum. He didn't left like that. He'll be back in 3 days, that's all."
"Well what's he up to?"
"He didn't tell me."

Jackie slowly sat next to Rose again.
"Are-are you alright?"
"...yeah. Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Well..I thought. Because he left like that..not telling you and everything-"
"I'm ok mum. Really. It's not like he's going to leave me forever. Right? He promised. He wouldn't do that, right? Tell me, mum... Please..."
Tears started to make their presence on the Bad Wolf girl's cheeks. "Tell me he didn't left me, right?"

"Oh sweetheart..I am sure he didn't.. He wouldn't leave you just like that. He loves you."
Rose quickly stood up shocked.

"What? Wha-what do you mean by that?"
"...have you seen Mickey on the way back here? I'm sure he would've heard the TARDI-"
"MUM!" the girl cut her off "What do you mean by that?!"
"Oh, let's face it Rose. The way he looks at you. It's obvious. And don't you even dare tell me you don't love him either. I saw the way you smile at him."

Rose felt her cheeks swim in red, hot, tomato sauce. Even though everything about her feelings for him were true, it was the first time hearing it in a sentence. And it was embarrassing.

"Oh, I see that face sweetheart. It's the face of 'Gotta look away, cuz I'm red' !"
Jackie started to laugh out loud, wiping off the tears of joy.

"Shut up." managed the girl to say. "And even so, I completely disagree about what you said about him. He only sees us as friends."

The pink and yellow girl walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of wine.
"I feel like drinking a glass of this, mum. Would you like some?"

One glass, two glasses, three glasses, five glasses after, the girl thought it was a good idea to go to sleep. She peeked at her mother who was laying on the couch sleeping. 'One hell of a girl's night, mum!'
She made another toast, then sipped again the remained wine.
'I am not drunk. Just a bit...flushed? ...hmm. Is that the right word?'

Rose started to walk towards her bedroom holding onto everything. She opened the door, then left her body fell on the fluffy, warm bed; but not before grabbing the phone.

'I should call him.'
The girl took a little peek in the mirror she had on the commode. Her face was bright red and her hair messed up. 'Ughh. I look disgusting!'

"But, I am sthill gon..a cal-call hihmm.."
She pressed some buttons then put the phone on speaker. The phone made its beeping sound for about 10 seconds, then a manly voice responded.

"Not the best time, Rose!"
"Buth...I whanth to talk thu you, Doctah.." replied Rose babbling.
"Ro-Rose? Are you drunk?"
"Noooo.. Justh a bit, bit flushed..."
"Rose, you are drunk. What have you done? "
"Well...ath firsth I came home..."
"Then I hhad a cuppah tea."
"And then?"
"Then I talked to my mm..mum. And she said you left me foreveh.."
"But, Rose. I promised I'll come back. "
"I gnow. I told her tath... And then she saidh ith was obvioush. Cuz you won't leave me, cuz you love me."
"Then she saidh I love you thoo..."
"Then I drankh s-ssome wine. Doctah?"
"Do you love meh?"
"Becuz I love youh.."
"Rose. You're drunk. You don't think what you're saying."
"Buth love must not be thought..Doctah. I feel ith in my hearth... III LOOVEE YOUUU!" she screamed through the telephone.
"Doctah? Are you thereh? Doct-"
"Wait a second, Rose."

He quickly hung up the phone.
'He hung up on meh...'

The Doctor ran towards the console room and pressed some buttons and levers. The TARDIS made its beautiful sound, then landed on Earth.
"This should do it!"

He quickly stepped outside the doors and walked through the windy night.
"Some more stairs. Just what I needed."

The Doctor double knocked on the door, but when no answer came out, he grabbed his sonic screwdriver and opened it, then stepped inside.
Jackie was laying on the couch and around her were at least 3 bottles of wine and two glasses. The TV was still on and the lights in the kitchen too.
"What have you guys done?"

He walked towards Rose's room and opened the door. She was curled into the bed like a little baby, holding onto the phone, sleeping.
"Oh, Rose. My little Rose. My little...drunk, Rose."

He sweetly smiled, then laid besides her, kissing her forehead.
"My Doctah..." she exclaimed babbling in her sleep.
The Timelord moved her up on the pillow, then managed to put some blankets on both of them.
"Good night, my love. I love you." he sweetly whispered hugging her.
"I love you so much."

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