Special day.

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She was very excited today. 26th of October 2011, one of the most important and amazing days.
The girl woke up early and put her plan on point, prepared the little set of lies, then exited the bedroom. She walked towards the console room, ruffling the blonde, beautiful hair, sometimes 'sneezing'.
The Doctor was already there, working on some kind of remote and didn't even noticed when Rose came near him. She inspected him with attention. His hair was as gorgeous as always, his glasses made him sexier today, his brown suit fitted perfectly and his red converse matched everything.
He was very concentrated on what he was doing there, and when Rose touched his left shoulder, the Doctor almost jumped scared.

"Ro-Rose! Good morning! How are yo-..Wait, what's going on? What's wrong?"

The pink and yellow girl left some fake tears out, then gasped for air in 'pain'.

"Doc-Doctor. I know we planned today on going to visit Marela. But..-I can't come with you today.. I am sorry."
"Why? What's wrong? Tell me what happened."
"I called mum..today morning. I was expecting a norm-normal conversation. But it looks like n-not all days are the same..."
"My childhood friend, Adria..just died yesterday, Doctor. She was ..killed by a monster.."
"Yeah..that man..I always told her to stop seeing him.."
"Anyhow, I cant accompany you today..I ..i am really sorry."
"No. I completely understand, Rose. If you want we can-"
"No, Doctor. You can go . You were really exited about today..and I..I really need some time alone.. Don't worry, I've got the TARDIS to be there for me."
"Rose, are you sur-"
"Yes. I am.. Please be careful."

The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and pressed some buttons towards the console.
"There. If you ever need me, just press that thing down there. The sonic will notify me if there's something wrong. I'll come back immediately. Ok?"

He kissed the girl's forehead, wiped some tears off, then exited the time machine sighing.

"Is he gone?"
The TARDIS murmured a sound, then lighted up the corridors.
"Have I ever told you? When I was 14, I applied for Arts. I used to play in a lot of dramas in School. But after that, my mum couldn't afford anymore and I had to stop."
The time machine murmured again a soft sound.

"Ok then!! Let's get to work, shall we? If he comes back, tell me, alright?"

Rose ran towards the kitchen smiling and took out the necessary ingredients, while the TARDIS started to decorate the console room with all kinds of balloons, confetti and colors.

"Let's see, 3 eggs, 5 bananas, chocolate...Girl, do we have any glaze?"
Within a second, a large door opened and Rose stepped inside.
"Thank you!"

It was a miracle for her to cook. She doesn't do that too often, but today was a very special day, and Rose wanted it to be perfect.

She baked the good looking banana cake, then ran towards her bedroom. On her bed were already standing a blue beautiful and backless dress, and a pair of black high heels.

"Thank you, girl. You know me too well."

The dress fitted perfectly on her. This made her curves look very good and the make-up she applied today gave a very feminine gaze. She sprayed two times the nice and sweet parfúme, restyled her hair, then exited the bedroom.

"How do I look, girl?"
The TARDIS made a sound, then left the pink and yellow girl watch in awe the redecorated console room.
"This is just amazing. I hope he'll love it."

Rose walked towards the console and pressed a big, red button, then sat on the chair besides her, waiting for him to come back.
She sighed happily. Everything was perfect, just as planned. The cake was ready, the decorations prepared, bananas on point, and his..present. His present was here too, in her hands. Will he like it? Will the Doctor even be happy about all of this? More and more thoughts made the girl's mind stop synchronizing with the present, but a male voice woke her up again.

"ROSE! Rose, are yo-!"
"Happy birthday, Doctor!!"

The man watched confused around him. What? When did she even managed..-?

"You.. You don't like it... I am sorry, Doctor.."

The man ran towards her and pulled her in a warm hug.
"Oh, I love it Rose! I love it so much! I thought you-.."
"I thought you forgot."
"Doctor, I would never forget something so important like that."
"It's not that important."
"Oi! Old man! Of course it's important! And, I hope you'll like this. I don't often cook..so I don't even know its taste."

The Doctor left a little laugh out, when Rose lifted up a banana cake, which smelled actually amazing.

"Make a wish, Doctor."

He closed his eyes for a second, then blew out the candles.

"So? What have you wished for?"
"Oh, but if I tell you, it won't ever come true, Rose."
"Oooh..I really wanted to know."
"But it already became true."
"Really? What?"

He took the cake and placed it on a table, then slowly touched her hands with his fingers. She looked gorgeous in that dress, and those high heels made her look so sexy.
The Doctor leaned in and kissed her neck, which made her shiver, then looked beck into her beautiful brown eyes.
"I love you, Rose."

It didn't matter it was his birthday for a second. She pulled him violently into a kiss, pressing and pressing hungrily. Even though she needed air, the girl couldn't stop anymore. She waited for this moment so much, the moment where the Doctor tells her "I love you." . It felt like a dream..
After pulling out, she looked him in the eye.

"I love you, Doctor. Happy birthday.."

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