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When the Doctor pulled away from kissing Rose Tyler, they looked at each other confused.

"What was that?" Rose raised and curved her brows.

"What do you mean?" the Doctor bit his lip. He then proceeded to kiss her again. "It's not like it's a first time."

"It is." she stood there with her mouth slightly opened and wet lips. "We've... never done this before."

"Yes, we did." he shook his head. "Wait a minute."

The Doctor took the sonic out of his coat and scanned her. "Oh." he said. "Oh... Oh."

"Oh?" she blinked. "What is going on?!"

"Wrong time, wrong Rose. Sorry!" he apologized then ran out the shop. She stood there in bewilderment. Then the Doctor entered from the other direction of the shop. Rose was so surprised to see him, she jumped when he touched her shoulder.

"There you are!" the Doctor said. "Found the pump regulator. We can go back to the TARDIS. Are you alright?"

"Am I alright?" she finally replied. "Am I alright?!"


"You just snogged my face off and now you ask me if I'm alright?!" she threw her hands in the air.

The Doctor bit his inner cheek. "I... I never did that."

"Yes, you did! Just now, you went out that door!" she pointed. Then her jaw dropped when she saw who seemed to be... the Doctor? "Wait. How can there be two of you?"

And then another Rose joined him, their hands tangled and swinging between them.

"What is this?" Rose prompted again.

The Doctor was as amazed as she was. He swallowed nervously. "Paradox."

"Oh, yeah. I completely understand." she sarcastically replied.

"It means that that me is a future me. And that Rose is a future you." he replied. "Wait, did you just say... I kissed you?"

"More like snogged, but yeah."

"Oh..." he stood there serious but then his face turned into a broad smile. "Cheeky."

He turned around and kissed her with no hesitation. And she didn't protest.

The Doctor and Rose : ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now