About you.

904 35 39

"Come, Doctor! I'm already in the library!!"
"Ok!! Wait a second! I just need to recharge my sonic, then I'll come!"

It's been one whole week since Rose started questioning and taking notes about my history and all. She really loved listening to my stories about life and tradition on Gallifrey; even I love talking about them, because it made me feel like 'freeing' myself. Finally, there was somebody who would stay and hear all the things I've been through, past, present.

I walked up the stairs listening to my both hearts beating. I don't know why, but every time I sat down besides Rose on the couch in our library, my hands started to sweat, and the TARDIS would give me a telepathically strange feeling. I always asked myself why, because there was no biological explanation, and it made me go bananas.

I opened the door, then stepped inside the beautiful and warm room full with books. I love this place. It gives me such a nice feeling; sometimes I like sitting on my chair, reading a Harry Potter book, besides the fire with a hot cuppa tea or chocolate. It helps me relax.

Rose was already there opening a notebook, probably searching for the questions she prepared for today. She was wearing a dark red blouse with gold stripes, which made her blonde hair take the chance and dance in lights; black jeans and red converse, same type as mine.

"There you are!" exclaimed the girl smiling. "Come on. Sit besides me."

I quietly swallowed behind my throat, then laid on the couch, unbuttoning the first two buttons of my suit. The temperature is really high in here.

"Ok. So, I think I've got..wait, let me see" she looked in her notebook then back at me with her big brown eyes, smiling "Yes. About 6 questions. "
"Ok. Tell me when you want to start." I replied with a smile, ruffling my hair.
We actually had a rough day today. We saved another kind of species; Gozdoms were they called. Rose did such a great job, I am really proud of her.

"Ok." sighed the girl "Then. Doctor? Can you tell me how your planet looked like?"
"Oh, you would've loved it Rose. I'll never forget that redish-orange color. It's a planet where you go just for a visit and end up staying weeks. I remember that, when I was a kid, I always used to play around this big big tree. It was 40 meters tall, and its color was a purple blue with little highlights of pink. I loved being there, always with my friends."
"Wait! You had friends?!" asked the girl  astonished.
"Of course I did! What do you take me for?! Ri- Oh.."
"What? What's wrong?"
"I am sorry.." I fixed my look on hers, to see her confused eyes watching me "I- I can't tell their names. I'm sorry."
"..oh, ok. It's alright, Doctor. I understand."
She stood up then walked towards the fireplace , still holding onto her notebook with one hand, while the other one gently touched her right cheek.

"Doctor, why-I mean, HOW can you be so smart?" asked the girl watching the flames burn "I mean, I get that you are superior and have a better consciousness as me..as humans, but you seem to know my history so well. Everything is so perfect and easy for you."

I took off my coat then placed it on the couch, gasping for air. Really now, TARDIS. What's with the temperature?

"Well" I begun "I've been around for a long time, Rose. I'm 904 years old. I think I learned something through all the adventures I had. But I remember, when I was in school-"
"Wait! School?"
"You've been to SCHOOL?"
"Of course! Rose, I may be alien, but I also had a civilization, a way of living."
"S-Sorry." she started laughing "It's so hard to imagine you in a school..with Teachers and other people. It's just..funny."
"Oi! Don't laugh! I had a great time! My teacher was always mad at me."
"What?" she laughed out loud "And that's a good thing?"
"Well, I was upsetting him always." I smiled "Every lesson was like Art for me. I always asked questions and always wanted answers. You could say I was a problem."
"No wonder. You are a problem even now, Doctor!"
"What do you mean by that?"

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