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I close my eyes not wanting to see what silver has done to me.i can feel the slight rub if a makeup brush swipe against my cheek,and some other stuff being put on my face that I don't really understand.
I hear a door open up and I hear a gasp,i quickly open my eyes to see Bruce standing in the doorway with a happy and shocked face.i glance over and look into the mirror,I see my self,well what's left if me.my hair is fixed into a short bob and I actually like the way that I now look.
"You look beautiful"Bruce stutters out
But before I get to say anything silver says
"Well I do say it is one of my best works" and she chuckles I look back over to the Mirror
and I see my cheeks have gone red form me blushing,
"So what did Alfred say to you"silver says walking over to Bruce and putting her arm round his shoulder,
"Oh yes Selina,because you obviously need to start a school here,Alfred would like to know if you would like to come to my school in Monday and take the teat to see if you can get into my school"
"Really Alfred thinks I could get into your school"I say surprise ad proud of my self
"Yeah Selina you are quite smart"
"Silver do you go to Bruce school" I ask
"Oh no,I ain't no we're near as smart as he is"she says slightly hitting him on the arm"which reminds me I need to get Alfred to sign that permission slip for Monday"silver says,rummaging in a bag and pulling out a folded up piece of paper and heading out the door.

"So how your new house"Bruce says awkwardly
"Oh it's ok but I defiantly prefer yours"I say standing up and waking around
"Oh you do"Bruce sad jokingly
I quickly turn around to see Bruce only a few centimetres away from my face,I jump back shocked
"You know Selina I really did miss you when you left"Bruce says softly.a tears starts to escape from my eye,Bruce notices and swipes it away with the sleeve if his jumper.i slump down to e floor my back against the bottom of the bed frame,Bruce joins me sitting I the floor.
He puts his arm around my neck"you know Selina your are my best Friend"he says softly once again,more tears escape from my eyes and I rest my head in his shoulders

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