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I rush in from the car,embarrassed,
"Selina Are you going to say bye to Bruce"Carl shouts
"See ya"I shout out the door
"How was it"amber asked coming up to me
"The uniform is gross"I say sticking out my tounge
It's 6:30 in the morning,why so I have to get up so early,I moan and get out if bed ,I reach over to see my phone and see that I have a text-from Bruce


I go downstairs,and I'm the first up,I make my self breakfast and go into the lounge and watch TV while eating,when I'm done I go upstairs and get dressed I to my Gross uniform,brush my teeth and do my hair.i look at my phone and notice the time,it's 7:35 and then a notification pops on my screen


I grab my school bag from my  closet,and get a glimpse in the morrow of me.i go downstairs and amber is up making herself a cup if tea
"Oh selina you look wonderful"she says
There's a knock at the door
"That will be Bruce,bye amber"I say walking towards the door,
"Bye have a nice day"she says.
I open the door revealing Bruce ,in the matching uniform.
"Hey,first day"he says cheerfully
"I would be more excited if I didnt have to get up so early "I say back
"Jeez sorry"he jokes.
We walk out the drive way gates."do you normally walk to school"I ask Bruce.
"No Alfred takes  me In the car,but I said I'll walk with you"he says concernrating straight ahead.
"What's the school like " I suddenly ask
"It's okay,a bit boring "he replys " oh" I say.
Bruce then stops,"what is it "I say  he then points at a group of girls "they're silvers freinds,there a bunch if weirdos if you ask me"he says finally smiling.we carry on walking until we get besides the girls"oh hey Bruce " one says
"Hi"he says back "who's your freind?"another asks,
"This is selina"he says calmly
"You know silver wouldn't like it if she knew you were hanging out with other girls"the first said "selina just a friend,and anyway silver and selina know each other and she's okay with it"he starts to shout a bit "common Bruce "I say pulling his arm and stares walking away fro the girls.i think about what Bruce had just said 'selina's just a friend' I don't know why but it seems to hurt me.we keep walking until we reach the school.

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