Long letters

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I felt so guilty,ov'course I love Bruce and appreciated his gift very much but I felt guilty because I jut ran away from him.
I sit down in an alleyway and look at the locket.i remember the picture being taken,looking at it now made feel warm inside,it made me feel happy again.

But I need to leave.
I need to have an independent life.
Doing whatever I wanted.
And not getting attached to people who could just leave or change.

But first I needed to do something.

I walk fast,hoping no one would see me.
I Finally reach it

Wayne manor

As I used to I go round to the back enterence,but in the drive  way I notice a car, Gordon's.i quickly walk to the back of the house.i look up to Bruce room.
The lights are off.i jump up to reach  for the balcony.i grab on and pull my self up.i climb over the balcony and go through the glass door.
I look around the room,messier than the usual.i go over to his desk and place the letter on it.
I hear talking,I walk slowly over to the door and peak out,no one there.
I go out to the landing,now understanding what they are saying.

"I have some sad news"gordan says
"Miss st.cloud has been in accident and had passed away"
The need shook me,after all the time of knowing her,we never really liked each other and only became 'friends' at the very end.
"Her funeral will be on Sunday"
"No no no no"Bruce screams and runs out the room.
I hear foot steps going up the stairs.i quickly rush back into Bruce's room,I climb over the balcony and leap over to the close tree nearby,I sit behind a load of leaves and balance on a branch  hoping Bruce won't see me.
He walks out to the balcony,his eyes red with tears.

"Why does everyone leave me"he says

I felt like creeping out of the trees and saying to him that I am here and that I won't ever leave him but no,I couldn't.

My foot slips but I quickly grip on and don't fall,Bruce  must of heard it because he looks up,his eyes full with hope.
He turns and walks back inside.
I now regret leaving the letter on his desk.

Bruce's pov (his first one!!)

I walk back inside and look over to my desk.on it a letter.
I pick it up,slowly rip back the envelope.
I read it eyes full with tears

Dear Bruce,
Sorry you had to receive this letter the way you did.
I'm sorry I've just been one big problem to you,especially silver.
You two were happy before I came and I just messed it all up.
Just to say I'm mainly writing this letter because of what's going to happen next,well I'm going away for a bit,well a long time actually,something came up with amber and Carl and I felt like I wasn't wanted anymore,so I decided the best thing to do would be to leave,
Don't bother coming to find me,but if you ever get the need to you'll have a feeling and you will find me as before you always seem to find me.
I know I didn't want it to end this way either but we're different people Bruce,your a rich boy,you have everything,but with me it's my past that makes me who I am,we could never be together,when we first met I was a kid on the streets,but you always thought the best of me and that's what nice about you kid,but I'm the opposite I'm not nice I'm just a big problem.
So I'll see you around sometime 
Love selina

I knew it was her,watching me on the balcony,I felt her presence.

What do you think,the story is coming to an end😭😭😭
Of you want me to continue and make me another fanfic of Bruce and Selina,please give me ideas of what to do.

Love you all

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