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"what do you mean "I ask

"nothing, it means nothing " bruce says putting his hand over his friends mouth, "okay then "I say and get my lunch out, and I start eating "so selina my name is Charlie "a boy says sitting opposite me

"hi"I say back "so do you and Bruce have history "Charlie ask, I look at Bruce and do the 'help me face'

"umm no not really "I say awkwardly , "oh that's great ,because you are kind of cute "he say trying to flirt "leave her alone, she doesn't like you back so shut up"bruce says.

"ohh Bruce protecting selina are we, silver wouldn't like that would she."

"oh shut up about silver"bruce shouts,then I get a tap on the shoulder,i turn around and see ivy,"hey " I say to her , and she sits next to me "hey hows you"she says "bored,im stuck with these weirdo's"i say joking around,"hey do you want to come over later"I say "sure id love to,I'll meet you after school by the gates "and then she leaves .i quickly eat the rest of my lunch,then Charlie,Bruce and I head outside ,we stand around chatting.
When the bell goes I head over to English which is my next lesson.
After school I walk over to the gates ,where Bruce is standing "hey how was your lessons"Bruce asks "boring "I say back ,ad then ivy turns up"hey let's go I can't wait to get to your house "she says.we walk to my house laughing and joking around.we arrive outside my house,ivy has a shocked face "wow,this is your house"she says mouth wide open."yep this is it"I say back,Bruce starts to walk to his house,"I'll be over in about half an hour"he shouts
I show ivy around the house and she is amazed,"so are you and Bruce a thing "she asks "oh definatlly not he is with silver"I say back "I know silver we used to be freinds,then she went all evil"she says as I open the front door, "what do you mean,she's nice "
"Oh not really ,she's weird,"
"Are you and Bruce freinds"I ask
"Not really "she says
Bruce comes over at about 4:30,ivy gets a text from her mom that she has to go for dinner,we say goodbye and she leaves
"So selina I brang a few DVDs over ,do you want to watch" he says "yeah obviously "I reply
"What do you want horror or action "he asks
"Ummm...horror "I choose,I take the DVD ad put in the DVD player,I then go into the kitchen and make done popcorn ,we start watching the not one to say that I'm not dated if anything bea cause this film is actually quite  scary.part way through the film it comes to a scary part.i jump up frightened and then land on Bruce's lap
" oh hi selina's" he jokes " you remember when we were kids "he says
"Obviously "I reply "how about tonight we go out into the city,and be kids again" he says "umm really"I say
"Geez selina,since you been gone you changed,I prefer the old you ,so do you want to"he says "fine then"I mumble
"Ok I'll meet you at your house at 12:00"

Afterwards  in the cityWhere stories live. Discover now