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I look up,I turn on my phone and notice the time 2:37,shit I must if feel asleep,I'm still in silvers room,I look over to her bed where she is laying,spread out across it,I get up and walk slowing out the room,not wanting to make a noise,I creep across the hallway and notice a light still on in one of the rooms.i walk over and look into the gap in the door,it's Bruce's room.
He's sat at his desk,ear phones plugged Into his ears blasting heavy metal music which I can hear and he's doing some kind of drawing in a note book.i let out small sneeze and it seems like Bruce jumps out of his skin.
"Who's there"Bruce asks
"Just me"I say opening his door and walking into his room.
"You scared the life out of me,I thought you were sleeping"
"Well I was,but I woke up"I reply
"what were you drawing"
"Oh nothing much"he replys mumbling , I walk over to where he's sitting and flick through his notebook,there picture if horrible thing,to horrible to even say
"still trying to find you parents killer then"I say
"Yeah,I'm not going to stop until that bloody bastard goes down for it"he say standing up and walking to the other side of the room.
"Do you want something to drink"Bruce asks
"Oh no thanks,i should really get back before Amber and Carl find out what time it is"
We both go down stairs and Bruce unlocks the door for me.
"Do you want to come over tomorrow"I ask him
"We need some help unpacking boxes from the moving truck" "yeah sure it sounds fun"
I'm about to leave then Bruce goes in And hugs me,I've always loved his hugs
"well I'll see you tomorrow then".
I walk out the drive way and down the road stopping outside the new house
"Oh how am I suppose to get in with out a key"I say to my self.i walk around the side of the house and notice a window slightly open,I walk up to it open it up more slightly and jumping up and crawling inside.when I'm in the house I silently shut the window,so no one can get in because that's how safe you got to be because of the criminals in gotham.
I creep upstairs and into my room.i quietly get undressed and get Into my night clothes ,I slide Into bed and I put my head on the pillow.
A few minutes late a figure walks I to my bedroom.i close my eyes pretending to be sleeping," selina I know your awake I just heard you"the sweet voice if amber says,
I sit up on my bed and look at her
"Your not angry at what the time is ?"I say nervously
"Ov'course not you were making new friends and that all I care about sweetie"she says"now it's is defiantly time to get to sleep"she says
"Oh by the way Bruce said that he will help with the moving truck tomorrow"I say lieing down"oh that's great see you in the morning"
Amber leaves the bed room and I fall asleep.

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