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its Tuesday which means today is school. And im actually excited .

I head out the door and go to the place where I usually meet Bruce, but he's not there,i wait 5 minutes and he still doesn't turn up,i wait another 5 minutes and still he doesn't come.

I look at the time its 8:47,with means school starts in 13 minutes,i ditch waiting for bruce and run to school,i look at the time again its 8:58,2 minutes to get to school and im not even half way there yet.

I finally arrive there at 9:15 and im mega late and mr nellis,my tutor is going to kill me,i walk into school and go to my first lesson,i go in and everyone stares at me ,I sit down at my seat,and the teacher starts up the lesson again.

I look over to Bruces seat and hes sat there,i cant believe he didn't wait for me,he turns around and faces me ,I give him a glare and start the work in my book.

at the end of the lesson I walk out the door quickly so that bruce cant talk to me then I hear

"hey selina wait up" I turn around at face bruce "you were so late,why"he asks

"are you joking I was late because I was waiting for you to turn up"i shout everybody turns around and stares "oh go away" I shout

"selina are you okay"bruce asks putting his hand on my arm

"no im not now leave me alone"i say shaking his hand off my arm,i turn around and walk to my nexr class.i can feel the stare of bruce,why am I getting so annoyed though


"you should join drama club"ivy says coming to sit next to me and the lunch table

"you're joking right,why say that"i ask

"well I thnk everyone heard you this morning"she says

"oh yeah,that"

"you know bruce was actually quite upset,so why were you angry"she asks

"well,silvers back and it seems like hes totally ignoring me"i explain

"ohh so your jelous,you like bruce then"she says

"yes,no,maybe........yes"i manage to say

Afterwards  in the cityWhere stories live. Discover now