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"I got in,I actually got in"I shout around the house,running up and down all of the corridors flapping the acceptance letter around.
"Hold it still selina"Carl says "I want to read it".
"Well done sweetie and knew you could do it"Amber says putting her had around me "now how about me we go shopping for some school stuff,oh and Bruce should come to he knows what you need"Carl says.
I get into the car remembering my earphones and start listening to some music, a few minutes later Bruce climbs into the car and takes a seat next to me,
"So..."Bruce says
"Umm...we'll....i guess that...your have to get used to me,I got in"I say jumping around in my seat.
"Okay calm down Selina"Bruce says"I'm glad you got in"
I sit back down and try to relax my Self.
We finally arrive outside a shop,we get out the car and walk inside,it's full if school clothes,Bruce takes us over to the corner where out school uniform is hanging,I take one look at it and think"great this is gross"
"Here Selina"Bruce and Carl hands over a pile if clothes"go into the changing  room and try them on"
I get undressed  and try the school skirt on,which goes up to mid  thigh "geez these skirt are kind of short",I then put on the light blue shirt,yellow and blue tie,which I struggle with as I've never done one before,and then I put on the navy blazer and knee length socks.
I open up the curtains and step out,"what do you think"I ask
"Wow"Bruce mumbles out"you look great".
I get back into my own clothes and Carl buys the uniform plus some other stuff,
"You guys hungry"he asks
"Yeah"we reply in unison,an laugh.
We stop outside a cafe and go inside,it's nicely decorated with  Bright pictures ,I pick a table in the back corner and we sit Down,a waitress comes over "so what you like"
"I'll have a cream cake and a coffee"Carl says
"and you"she points at Bruce
"Umm,il have a cheese sandwich and water"he says
"I'll have the Same"I say
The waitress goes off and we wait,which seems like forever.carl reads a newspaper and Bruce and I play games of noughts and crosses with salt and pepper packets on the table,
Finally our  food came over and the waitress put it on the table,I feel movement over my hand,I look down to see that Bruce is touching it,but not in an accidental way,i flinch my hand,not knowing what to do,and Bruce suddenly moves his hand away from mine,he looks and me an gives a faint smile.i eat my sandwich ,thinking about what had just happened,he could like me,no he couldn't he's with silver and with our past it would never work out.

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