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I hear a knock at the door,I run down the stairs and open the door,standing there is bruce
"You look very nice"he says
"What are we doing"
"You'll see later"he says
Bruce takes my hand and leads me down the drive,and we start walking
"Bruce my legs hurt"I moan
"Shhh,what do you want me to do catty you"he says
"Bruce what are we even doing,all we've done is walk for 20 minutes"
"Well we're nearly there,all we need to do Is walk a bit more"
"Fine this better we worth it"I say
We walk around a few more corners until we reach a large gate 'gotham park'
"We're at the park,again"
"Yeah here we are"
We walk over to a small pond and layed out is a picnic blanket with a variety of food and candles
"Bruce this is amazing"
"Why thank you"
We sit down and start eating
"So what happens when silver finds out"I ask
"She won't"he say
I give a small laugh
"Selina why did you go"
"Go where"I say
"Go away get adopted,leave me"
"I had no choice Bruce"I say
"But then you come back changed,nothing like your old self,I want your old self killed me seeing you go and even more when you were kissing jake"he says
"Bruce I've said sorry"I say
"Sorry isn't good enough"
I cut him off,I push my lips against his and say"forgive me now",he puts his hand on my cheeks and moves in closer to me,I put my hands on his cheeks and kiss him faster.i sit onto my knees and still kissing him pushing him down to the floor,
"Bruce"I murmur against his lips
"What"he says
"I'm sorry"
"I know you are"he says pulling us apart so that we are lying next to each other.
"Well that kind of made it up"he laughs
"What do you mean kind of?"I say
"Kiss me again"
"Bruce you have a girlfriend"I say sitting up
"But she no fun unlike you"
"Ohh I can be unfun" I say
"No selina,you can't,your the definition of fun,your crazy,beautiful,wild,and I love you for that"
Then he starts to lean in,but I don't want to kiss him again for some reason
"Look at the stars "
"Yeah there nice"he says
"Don't you just love how they shine"I say
"Selina"Bruce says,his hand cupping my chin making me look at him.
"Do you love me?" He asks seriously
"Bruce,what ever I feel for you is for you,I just don't know what I feel yet"I say.
A cold wind blows and I shiver
"Oh selina your cold here"he says taking of his jacket and placing it in my shoulders
"Better?"he says and I nod
"Great,come on we need to go or we'll be late"he says
"Wait we're are we going"I say as I pulled upwards towards Bruce,I fall into his arms
"Oh hi there"I laugh
He quickly kisses me on the lips then grabs my hand and we walk on.
We arrive outside a cinema,ad we walk inside,Bruce walks straight past the ticket officer
"Don't we need tickets "I say
"Not tonight"
"But.."I say
"It doesn't matter"he says
We go into the cinema room 4 and there's no one else in there
"Are we early or something?"
"Nope,it's just us"he says smiling
"Ahh,wow so what are we doing"
"Watching a film"he says
"What film"I ask
"You ask to many questions"he says as we take a seat
"It's a new one"he says
We watch the film,and it is amazing.when it's finished we walk back to my house.
"You know Bruce I had a very nice night"I say
"Well I'm glad for that,maybe we could do it again"he says
"Bruce"I say"this only happened because I owed you,this won't happen again"I say feeling sad inside
"So you don't have any feelings for me"he says
"Bruce I don't know"I lie
"Oh ok,umm I'll see you at school tomorrow then"he says and plants. Small kiss on my cheek,he turns and leaves.tomorrows going to be a fun day.

So this was it they had there date...what did you think 😻 is the cat in love

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