funerals and memories

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I missed him.
Every single day I would think of him,I loved him.
That's why I decided to go,
That's why I was now perching in a tree over looking the grave yard.
I wanted to be there,in respect for silver.
But I was mainly there for Bruce.

I watched as the man dressed in white and black spoke and the coffin lowered into the reminded me of when my mum died, a tear fell down from my eye, then another until my eyes were red, sore. I missed my mum, she was always there for me and loved me for than anything. We never had much but she always made the best of it, at night when it was cold we would huddle up under a blanket of the sofa until I drifted off to sleep.i missed her warth,and how she always smelt sweet like honey.

Bruce reminded me so much of my mum. He was sweet just like her and most of the time confusing. But they both always be there for me like they had promised, except my mum broke hers when she died. She left me, I  cried to days,weeks,month and even though that was 5 years ago I would still cry now.

I look once again down to the grave yard,silvers garve was now piled with flowers of many colours,all brih=ght just like her,the people were starting to leave,walking slowly as they og out the gates.i did not follow,i go to a place which I visited a lot.

when I was sure no one was looking I jumped down form he tree and started walking down the hill,futher into the yard,i walked quickly,it was a warm day and the sun shone down on us but the wind was sharp and cold.

I carry on walking,reading each engravement on each headstone, looking at the names and dates, I continue to walk until I reach two headstones, they were clean and not like the old one at the back of the grave yard,slowly rotting away. looking up I read  the engraved printing

 Thomas and Martha Wayne

I sit down, luckily the grass wasn't wet. I would come and sit here most of the time when I wasn't busy. I liked being here it gave me company, it felt like I was here with Bruce.

more tears falls from my eyes until I am in loud sobs' put my head on my and cry, crying about everything, how based my life is, how everyone I cared about left me or I left them,

I reached into my pocket and took out two items, a pocket watch and a brooch. I placed the pocket watched by Thomas Wayne's headstone ,of what I had heard he was into business and was organised, even though we never actually knew each other . they had a great deal of being in part of my life and I had changed because of them. I placed the brooch by marthas,i was in shape of a flower, with studs of jems on each petal had seen pictures of her, she was a true beauty and that's where Bruce got his looks from, she was kind and caring,everything you would want in a mother.

"I miss them too" a voice I recognised from behind me,i quickly stand up, brushing my self over and wiping my eyes

"I was just going "I say quickly turning around

"no selina,stay" Bruce says grabbing my hand, he pulls me back and give me a warm hug, like the ones my mum used to give me.

"im so sorry "I cry into his shoulder, I let everything come out,

"its ok selina"he says hugging me tighter

"im sorry I left,im sorry I do everything wrong "I step back, legging go

"there's no need to be sorry, I understand"

"no you don't"i cry"im leaving, but I love you and I miss you, and we will se each other again


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