A small hike

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We watched her leave,a tear dropped from my eye.
And through out all this time I never thought I could get so emotional over something.
We all walked slowly back inside
"Shall I make my special brownies?"Alfred says
"Yeah"me and Bruce say in sync
Alfred goes off to the kitchen  and me and Bruce make our way into the garden.
"I'm gals you came back"Bruce says sitting down on a bench.
"So am I"I say sitting down next to him.
"You know what I haven't done in a long time?"Bruce asks
"I haven't gone on a hike in the woods,what do you think"he says
"Really,umm yeah sure I'll go"I saw and we make our way back into the house.
Bruce and I grab a bag and put some things that we need in their.
We go downstairs and Alfred waits at the front door with a box
"What's in there?"I ask
"Brownies"Alfred says and puts the box in my backpack.

"Bruce I'm about to collapse"I Moans sitting on a fallen tree
"Come on we're nearly there,and when we do we can have the brownies"Bruce says and starts walking onwards.
I sit for a moment but decide to catch up with Bruce.

He stops at the edge of a large ditch,I stand behind him,a tear escapes from his eye.
I look down to the floor when a fallen pile of small rocks and stones are laid,there are 2 piles one labeled TW and the other BW.
"Bruce we didn't have to come"I say taking hold of his hand.
He squeezes my hand tighter"we did"he says and takes his bag off and I do the same.
We sit down on a blanket and Bruce makes a small fire,and eat the brownies.
"Selina"Bruce says quietly"don't leave me"
"I won't"I say and rest my head on his shoulders.

I've put up a new fanfic,Alfred and Bruce.tell me what you think of it,keep or delete.

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