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Don't you sometimes feel that you are such in a good mood and nothing could ever stop that,well that's how I feel now.its  a couple days after the dance and its the weekend.
And even better I was spending it with Bruce.
We were in his swimming pool messing around,gladly silver wasn't around otherwise there would have been trouble.
Also with us was ivy,and her new boyfriend Toby.
"What do you want to do"Bruce says
"Well,could I take Toby on a walk around the grounds"ivy says winking at us
"Oh,sure"Bruce says and turns to me
"What do you want to do?"he say
"This"I say splashing a great deal of water in his face.
"Well then I hope you don't mind this then"he says splashing me back
We continue acting as if we were 5 year olds,Bruce then pushes me up against the side of the pool,
"Bruce"I say "what are you doing"
"Oh having some fun"he says
"Let me go"I scream
"Shhh,selina ,ivy will hear us"
"Get off me then"I say
"Only if you kiss me "
"Bruce"I say annoyed
"Wha"he says but i cut him off and press my lips onto his
"I love you"he murmurs against my lips
"I love you to"I say back
"And if love it if you got a room"ivy says
"Fine then"Bruce says getting out if the pool,as do I
"Come on selina"Bruce says taking hold if my hand
"I was joking you know"ivy says
"Oh I know" Bruce says
We grab our towels and head inside Bruce's house
"What are we doing"I ask
"Going up to my room"he says
"What,Bruce no"I say worried
"I was joking around with ivy,we're not going to do that"Bruce says surprised
"Oh okay"I say relieved
"Ivy got really surprised didn't she"he says opening his bed room door
"Yeah well so was I"I say
"Well can we at Least kiss then"he says shutting the door.
"Bruce"I say
He comes toward me but I run away,and he chases after me,and we just end up playing a game of kiss chase
"Your not going to get me"I laugh
"Oh really"Bruce says and grabs me round the waist"I've got you now"
He gives me a small kiss on the cheek,and we sit on the bed.
Bruce clears a strand off hair out my face and looks me in the eye.
"Selina"he says then there a knock at the door
"Ugh who's there"he moans
"It's me,silver"silver says"we need to talk"
Bruce gets off the bed and walks over to the door,opening it slightly so Bruce head is only to be seen
"What Is it?"he says
"I'm sorry for the other night,what I said and what I did,I was just scared I was going to loose you over that selina"she says"but I love you Bruce ,more than ever as I've realised that now"she says
"Yeah"she replies
"We're over"and he slams the door in her face and he walks back over to the bed
"Wow"I say
"All the girls love me"he says"but I only love you"he says putting his arm around me
"Come on let's go back downstairs brides ivy thinks we're ACTAULLY up to something"I say

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