Chapter 1

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As soon as I see her, I know it's her, and all the memories come back to me in a flash of images behind my eyes. It hurts like hell to remember it all. How much she hurt me. How much the whole thing changed me. How stupid and naive I was back then, to think the popular girl in high school would fall for the geek. And I fell for it, never having a girl's attention like she had given me.

Paisley Hayes was everything to me. I had been infatuated with her for two years before she even talked to me, but in that one month in eleventh grade, she made me fall for her. She didn't even have to try. She was sweet and fun. Outgoing. And brought out a side of me that no other person had ever seen before. Her smile was contagious. You couldn't help but smile with her. She gave me a chance and I gave her my all. My all, meaning my heart. She was the first girl to ever kiss me. It, of course, never went further from kissing, but the way she made me feel like she wanted me, had me wrapped around her little finger. She knew me exactly for who I was. I had let my walls down for her and I would've done anything for this girl.

I'm sitting a few picnic tables away from her, playing the memories in my head as I watch her read a book outside the dorms. She's so involved in whatever it is that she is reading, she hadn't even noticed the presence of any other students around her. Some who are moving into the dorms, some huddled in groups of friends and a couple making out under a tree. I take in the sight of her, watching her silently. It's odd to see her alone, even though classes didn't officially start until tomorrow. In high school, she was surrounded by friends, always with someone, a constant smile on her face. But here, she sits alone, in silence, and she almost looks sad. And I can't help but smile to myself thinking she could be miserable with her life, as she had made mine. I wonder if she is just starting college or if she had come here last year right after high school.

I haven't seen her since that day all of her friends humiliated me in front of everyone. I remember she had tried calling me dozens of times, but I never answered and she didn't leave any messages. And she just never came back to school after that. In grade twelve, I heard her family had moved. No one seemed to know where. It was like she just disappeared from Vancouver Island. And there she is, sitting a few picnic tables away from me in California two years later. What are the odds of this happening? The world all of a sudden seems so small.

Although it makes sense that she is here. She had told me she wanted to move to California or New York, where no one knew her name. To start all over again. I guess she was true to her word, which surprises me, really. I thought everything she ever said to me was a lie.
One of the reasons I liked her so much was because we shared a passion for photography. And I wonder if that's what she is here for. I hope not. This isn't really how I want to start college. Having to see the girl who broke my heart so terribly, just made me hate my life so much more. I can't imagine having to be in the same room as her every day.

I hate her. I hate her with every fiber of my being. What she did to me. I'm not the same person I was, and it's all because of her. Although I'm happy I'm not considered a geek anymore because of it. Far from it actually. I guess something good came out of it. But only one thing.

I came out here to go for a walk and take some pictures, and for some damn reason when I saw her, I had to sit down. Seeing her for the first time in over two years made my heart beat irregularly and even though I've been sitting here for at least twenty minutes, my palms are still sweaty and I want to throw something just because she's in my presence. I'm flicking the on and off switch on my camera over and over again in my frustration, not even caring if I break the damn thing, even though it's my baby.

I glance back over to see she is staring at me. When she sees me notice her, she smiles at me a sweet smile. Why the hell is she smiling at me? Although I honestly thought I'd never see her again, and if I did, I wouldn't have actually thought she'd be smiling at me. Things didn't really end well for us and I threatened her the last time I saw her.

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