Chapter 6

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The week had been a relatively long one, settling into the start of classes and doing actual work. After the first photo assignment we got on the first day, we hadn't gotten another. Instead, my days were filled with being in the dark lecture hall, having to take notes from the smart board while the professors talked their way through slides and we all either typed away at our laptops or scribbled down the information we need to know in notebooks.

Every class almost felt the same, whether it be in a lecture hall or a classroom, with Harry on one side of me and Astrid on the other, and I found myself actually liking the comfort the two of them brought to me. Any time though that Astrid had taken a seat next to me at a table for two before Harry could, Ruby happily made her way to the seat next to him, which for some reason, would always result in Harry sending a glare in my direction as if it was my fault he had to sit with her. It didn't stop him from conversing with her though, no matter how mad he seemed to be about her sitting there.

I was sure that he really wasn't that mad. He even admitted to me that another time he'd probably have just one night with her and he was more than likely keeping that option open by talking with her when she was around.
It was clear that Ruby didn't like me, and I knew it had everything to do with Harry. It didn't bother me much, since I didn't exactly want to be in her presence either. I would hear her every day ask Harry to hang out after class or have lunch with her and every time, he turned her down, telling her he already had plans with me and Astrid. We never made those plans he told her of, but it didn't stop him from leaving the classroom with me and going wherever I went. I wasn't really sure why he insisted on following me and Astrid to lunch every day or walking me back to the front of the dorms before heading off to meet his friends wherever they were, but I found myself already getting used to his presence.

I had spent a lot of my free time in the evenings in the computer room editing the pictures I took of Harry for Portraits class. Although I only needed to give Drew one photo, I edited almost every picture I took of him, trying to decide which one was best to hand in on Monday. I felt like this was, in a way, my way of getting to see him even when he wasn't around. I was able to take in all of his features properly without getting caught staring at him, which was sometimes really hard to do because he was just so beautiful in my eyes. I ended up picking a picture that I thought his jaw looked the most prominent and his green eyes sparkling, a bright smile spread across his face, dimples perfectly indenting his cheeks as he looked straight into the camera as if looking right into my soul. How could someone be so unbelievably pleasing to the eye?

I was looking through all the pictures I took while we had been dancing and making fools of ourselves after I printed off my assignment, when Astrid walked into the computer room I had been in for the last hour, and sat down next to me at her computer, opening her file with all her pictures of Ruby.

"I really hate I have to edit pictures of this girl," she whines. I honestly can't blame her and I dread just thinking about ever having to be partnered with her. "What are those?" She looks over at my computer to see me looking at a picture of Harry mid dance move. You can tell he is in the middle of laughing as he looks straight into the camera with squinty eyes.

I don't say anything. I just click to the next picture and the next one and continue to look at each one quickly, remembering how comfortable I was with him during these moments that night, until it gets to the very first picture I took of him outside the school. The first day of school felt like it had been weeks ago already and it was almost hard to believe how much things had changed from that awkward morning of me running away from him after taking this very first picture in the grass.

"Do you like him?" Astrid's question comes out slowly, almost like she had been wanting to ask before but hadn't for some reason. We hadn't really talked about boys yet. The only thing that's really been mentioned in the last four days is that we're both single. Most of our conversations have been about classes, what she's going to watch on netflix that night or of course, laughing at Harry when he complains about Ruby not leaving him alone.

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