Chapter 34

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Song: Hedley - Wild Life

Before I even know what's happening, Dad is yanking me out of Harry's car, telling Harry to get out as well. I thought that telling Harry I had to be home by eleven o'clock was embarrassing enough, but I'm pretty sure this tops just about everything that's happened in my entire life. If it wasn't bad enough that Dad caught me making out in the front seat of Harry's car, straddling him, no less, seeing the look on Dad's face as Harry follows his orders to get out, just makes everything about this situation heightened about one hundred percent.

Harry is trying not to look at me as he gets out of the car and leans against the car door, keeping his eyes turned down towards the ground with his now messy hair falling into his face. I feel the need to protect him in this circumstance I've gotten him into.

"What do you have to say for yourself, son?" Dad asks loudly, glaring at Harry. "Your dirty hands all over my daughter like that."

"Dad!" I try to cut in. I can't believe this is happening right now. He is so out of line.

"And you, Paisley, I'm so disappointed in you," Dad says, looking over at me. "For one, you're late. And two, did you not learn anything over the past two years? Boys are animals, who want for nothing but the wrong thing. This one here is just the same as the rest!"

"Stop it Dad, he's not!"

"You need to respect my daughter," Dad raises his voice at Harry. My chest feels heavy at the way he speaks to him.

Harry lifts his head to look at Dad, disbelief written all over his face. "With all due respect, Sir, I have plenty of respect for your daughter."

"You call what I just saw with my own eyes, having respect for my daughter?"

"Dad, we were just kissing. I'm allowed to kiss the guy I like!" I try to reason. "He wasn't doing anything wrong!"

"Like hell he wasn't!" he screams.

At this point I feel like Dad is yelling so loud, he is going to wake the neighbors, or just annoy the hell out of them, and I need him to stop making this seem worse than it was. If I knew this was going to happen, I would have just got out of the car when we got here. Stupid me, and my damn hormones!

"Can we talk about this inside, Dad?" I ask quietly, pushing Dad towards the door and away from Harry's car. "Harry, I will talk to you later. Thank you for tonight. It was perfect."

Dad starts pulling me along with him to the front door of the house, as Harry still stands leaned against his car with a bewildered look on his face, watching me get pulled away from him. I can't just leave him like that. I can't let this night end this way. He is such a great person, and he never deserved Dad's words. I will not let Dad ruin this in any way.

I remove myself from Dad's grip on my arm and run. I run down the driveway to Harry and wrap my arms around his neck tightly, and instantly I feel him pull me as close to him as possible. His whole body sighs in relief as he breathes out a long breath.

"I'm so sorry about this, Harry," I whisper. "So sorry. It was all my fault."

"It's okay," he whispers back. "Everything will be fine."

I take a moment to look him in the eyes, my arms wrapped loosely around his neck. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Don't fight too much with him over me. I know he's important to you," he says quietly. "Don't let being with me, ruin that."

"I won't," I smile.

I lean in to kiss him, letting my lips linger against his with pressure, silently showing him that I hope this doesn't change anything between us. I know that Dad and I are in for some arguing when we step into that house, and the only thing that matters right now, is that Harry understands the only thing I care about, is him, no matter what Dad says.

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