Chapter 16

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Despite the fact that we all live in the same vicinity and we're going to the same place, Harry insists he only drive the two of us to the bowling alley instead of the four of us carpooling. I thought it was a futile suggestion at first, but he apparently wants for this to feel like somewhat of a real first date instead of just a normal hang out with friends, and he says he wouldn't be able to be a proper gentleman if Astrid and Blake went along with us.

Astrid only let out a few 'awwws' when I told her of his plans, adding to her excitement about us finally admitting our feelings for each other. She felt bad that our first date was including her and Blake and wouldn't stop apologizing profusely, which I thought was unnecessary. As happy as I am that everything is finally out on the table and we are going on this date, it seems like Astrid is ten times more excited than I am about it.

I decided against telling Astrid about what Nova had told me about Harry and Ruby. I wasn't sure what she would think, and the last thing I wanted was to get a reaction out of her, on a night that I wanted things to go perfectly. I feel like I have accepted the thought of him being with Ruby, even though it was showing a side of him that I didn't want to believe is who he is. But despite the fact that I've known since the day we met, that he was a man of one night stands, I know somehow, that he sees me differently than just a girl he would sleep with and throw away the next day. So, when it comes to Astrid, for now I don't think she needs to know.

Harry said he was going to pick me up in my room. And while I wait, I nervously pace the room with my headphones blaring Hedley into my ears as Nova watches me walk from one end of the room to the other with wide eyes from the head of her bed. I dislike that she is still here, but she said she had to see for herself that we were in fact, going on a date---together. It is apparently a moment she has been anticipating since before Harry and I even met and she isn't going to miss it.

When I see Nova frantically waving her arms around to get my attention from her spot on the bed, I realize she's trying to tell me that there's someone at the door, and we both know that it's Harry. I made her promise me that she wouldn't answer the door or even open her mouth when he got here, because truth be told, this is my date coming to call, and no one is going to ruin this first moment.

I whipped my headphones around my neck, running a shaky hand through my hair, my heart starting to pick up it's pace at the realization that I'm going on a date and he's now here to get me. I look over at Nova who's smiling encouragingly at me as I slowly walk over to the door.

There stands Harry in the doorway, with his arms behind his back. He has his usual green bandana wrapped around his head and a black button down graces his chest nicely. He instantly smiles when I open the door. "You look lovely," he tells me, looking me up and down, before his eyes meet mine again.

I look down to see what exactly he's complimenting, but seeing nothing special. "I'm wearing what I usually wear, Harry."

"Well, then clearly you always look lovely," he winks. "For you." He brings his arms forward, revealing a single yellow rose and handing it to me with a shy smile.

I take the rose from him, bringing it to my nose. I know there's no way I can hide the smile on my face. I'm surprised that he really put some effort into this, even though I was the one who asked him to go on this date with me. I like that he is taking this seriously. "Wow, thank you Harry. This is very sweet of you!"

"The lady at the flower shop says a yellow rose symbolizes the promise of a new beginning," he explains, keeping his eyes locked with mine. "She also says it means 'remember me,' which is exactly what I want for you to do."

"Remember you?" I ask.

His eyes slightly widen before smiling at me again. "Oh---um--I want you to always remember me. Or I guess--I mean this night--I want you to remember this night. That's all." He looks to the ground.

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