Chapter 39

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The one thing I have come to realize over the last couple weeks, is that the higher you've built your walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone finally breaks them down. This organ inside of me, the one that was made to make me feel, is completely and utterly smitten, which only made its beats intensify every time he so much as even smiled. He didn't even have to be smiling at me for me to fall deeper, just the fact that he was smiling, knowing he was happy, did it for me. 

I was a goner. And there was no coming back from it.

I've never been in love before. Not once in my life has anyone ever captivated me the way he does. And when I look back to the beginning of all of this, I think a part of me always knew this was going to happen. I could see it coming a mile away. Could feel how deep I was in it from that very first day, despite my reluctance towards him. I could sense that he was going to be important to me somehow. Play a role in my life that would make me see the world differently. And I think that's why, with him, I always tried so hard. 

Where we are now, there's no need to try. There's nothing that we need to prove to each other anymore. Everything flows smoothly, making everything between us, happen so effortlessly. I never thought that I would ever feel the way I do, the way I do about Harry. How lucky I know I am, to have what I have with him, even if I haven't got the slightest idea if he feels the same way about me.

"Stop staring at me, love," Harry says, not taking his eyes off the book in front of him. He has a pencil clasped between his teeth, and the serious look on his face, as he studies, leaning against the book shelf across from me, is distracting me from studying for exams that I really should be focused on. "You're distracting and I really need to focus. And so do you. So, would you please just divert your attention to the books, instead of me."

"I don't want to be stuck in the library today, Harry," I groan, not hiding my annoyance. "We've been coming to the library for almost two weeks to study. Can't we at least study somewhere else?"

"I like to study in the library," he states. "You know that." 

I roll my eyes, knowing very well that he does. He has come to sit in the same place in the library, leaning against the same book shelf hidden in the many rows of books, every time there's been a test to study for. Looking at him, you could never tell that he'd take school as seriously as he does, but as soon as he speaks, and it has been very clear since the day I met him, that inside of him, is just a nerdy school boy who takes classes far too seriously. He just plays it off well with his cocky know-it-all persona.

"I know you do, but it's Valentine's Day," I whine. "We shouldn't even be studying today. I should be getting flowers and a nicely written out card expressing your undying love for me and I should be giving you chocolates and an overwhelming amount of kisses."

This finally catches his attention, enough for him to look away from the book on his lap and peer over at me through his long lashes. He raises his eyebrows, with the pencil still clasped between his teeth. "Sorry love, I don't do Valentine's Day."

Although it's well into the afternoon and he hasn't said one thing about the holiday, hearing this actually surprises me. After all the times he has taken me on sweet dates and no matter what, always said the right things, I know he has a romantic side to him. I wasn't really expecting him to do the whole flowers and candy ordeal, knowing it's a bit too much on the obvious side for him to want to do that for me, but to hear he just doesn't do Valentine's Day at all, is definitely not what I thought I was going to hear.

"Oh—Okay, that's cool," I say, picking up the first book I see on the floor and opening it.

"Love?" he says quietly, making my eyes revert back over to him. "Do you want to do something for Valentine's Day?"

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