Chapter 9

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Song: Calum Scott - Dancing on my Own


To: Dad 3:01pm
Can you call Dr. Swanson and tell her to call me today? I need to talk to her.

After the realization hit me that I was capable of allowing Harry to touch me without dodging him in any way, I wasn't able to focus in Editing class. Not that I needed much focus on editing pictures of farmhouses and landscapes. Five year old's could do these pathetic assignments. I just couldn't shake the feeling that maybe it was just a fluke, but I wasn't going to attempt to see if it was or not, even though he was sitting right next to me. I had to wait until he wanted to be close to me again to find out, and who knows when that will be?

I feel like I have to talk to my therapist about it. I need to know what is normal and what isn't. Especially knowing that I haven't known Harry very long. I have so many questions fueling my mind, I know it's going to turn into a fluke just because I'm thinking too much about it.

Harry and I had found Astrid in her dorm room having a Harry Potter marathon after our little squabble. She was in her pajamas, tucked tightly into her bed, clutching onto a stuffed worn out brown rabbit with long ears. Her normally pale face was even more so now that she was sick, red formed under her eyes and her nose. She looked like death fell upon her.

Now that Editing class is over, I'm on my way back to Astrid's to bring her hot soup from the cafeteria in hopes to make my sick friend feel better. Harry had picked out the kind of soup he thought she should have, deeming chicken noodle the best for her sickness and made me buy her an apple to keep her from having to see the Doctor, while he whined the whole time about not being able to come with me because he had to meet Ruby in the studio to do their portraits. I couldn't help but laugh at how easily he turned into a pouty child, the way he so quickly complained about having to be alone with her. You would think he disliked her as much as I did, but I knew that wasn't the case.

From: Dad 3:03pm
Is everything okay? Please tell me you're okay!

From: Dad 3:04pm
But yes, I will call her for you.

To: Dad 3:05pm
I'm fine Dad, I promise. I just need to ask her something.

Despite Astrid being sick, it is nice to just hang out with her. Her dorm room is just as big as mine, but they have changed it around, moving the two beds to one side of the room against the same wall and a mounted flat screen hanging on the opposite. I found myself wishing I had a flat screen as Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix plays on hers, while I sit on her fuzzy pink carpet at the end of her bed.

"I heard you guys yelling in the parking lot earlier today," Astrid informs me, after blowing on the spoon to cool her soup. I take my eyes off the screen to see she's already looking at me with her big puffy red eyes. "I was watching you through my window."

I swallow in embarrassment realizing people overheard our pathetic altercation and wonder how many others were watching us behind the walls of the big brown buildings so many students called their homes.

"Care to explain?" She sniffles. "Because I hate to think I missed something big! And if you guys were fighting, it means I missed something big!"

"I kinda yelled at Ruby," I admit.

"And I missed it?" Astrid screeches, standing from her desk chair. "Stupid cold! Oh my God! What?"

I can't help but laugh at her reaction. It's exactly how I knew she would.

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