Chapter 18

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A/N: Italic font is a flashback, which probably is evident and doesn't even need to be mentioned here, but I thought I'd let you know anyways! :P

Nova had arranged a Halloween party on our dorm's floor, making me wish more than anything that I lived somewhere else. I didn't want this party to happen. I didn't even want to dress up. I despised Halloween and wanted it to just pass us by like any other normal day. But Nova insisted that this party would be one to remember. Everyone would be coming to it, and dressing up is apparently a must, especially since we are the ones throwing the party.

I could never understand, at the age that we are, why everyone still thought it was important to dress up for a holiday that was meant for children. It was just an excuse for girls to parade around looking more whorish than normal and for boys to enjoy the sight before them, seeing as cleavage is practically a given on this particular night.

While Nova and Niall already had their costumes weeks in advance, Harry and I are rummaging through an old costume store that smells old and musty, and the dust flew around in the little light coming in from the front windows, leaving our costume search to the very last minute. Astrid and Blake met us here, in hopes of apparently finding the perfect couples costume to show off their newly formed relationship.

Harry wants us to do the same even though our relationship status hasn't changed. I don't think it's necessary for us to dress up at all, and I'm hating this search more and more as every second passes. He's picked out some really disturbing costumes for us to wear; One actually being a penis and a vagina, which I turned down faster than he could finish the sentence he began of what he wanted to do to my---yeah, I stopped him there. There's no way in hell I would ever dress up like a vagina even if he said it would make him the happiest man alive. It wasn't long before he picked out a bunny costume way too slutty for me to even imagine putting on, knowing it would leave little to the imagination, and the whole thing looked ridiculous because the costume to go with it, was a carrot. He, of course whined about my inability to want to take advantage of the apparent cleavage rule, but shut right up when I mentioned for the tenth time the slut rule would never apply to me, which he seemed to need reminding of every few minutes that I don't want to be looked at for all the wrong reasons. It finally sunk in though, because he finally agreed with me that he didn't want guys with the wrong intentions looking at his girl.

Astrid and Blake found their perfect costumes in no time. As they come out of the dressing room as Mario and The Princess, I gush over how cute they are together. I thoroughly enjoy seeing them as a couple. Aside from the fact that I thought Nova and Niall to be that perfect couple, Astrid and Blake are definitely at the top of the cute list. Blake is a genuine guy who I can tell thinks the world of my best friend. He looks at her with his big blue eyes with such adoration, it's hard not to watch them interact with each other like I'm watching a love story play out before my eyes.

After spending hours in the packed stuffy costume store, Harry and I found costumes we both could agree on. The Mad Hatter and Alice in Wonderland. The blue dress isn't as bad as some of the others he had picked out, deeming it presentable enough for me, and enough for him to like what he's looking at, seeing as the dress is short and the white tights go up past my knees which he apparently thinks is sexy.

I am more than enthusiastic to leave the store, but not so much about the fact we are headed to my dorm which will be inhabited by drunk idiots wearing next to nothing soon enough.


The music is blaring, college students packed throughout the floor of our dorm, the smell of alcohol swirling around and it's hot. Too hot. Halloween lights with pumpkins and witches have been strung down the hallways with strobe lights at the end of each corridor. A smoke machine has made the entire place smokey, giving off a spooky ambiance throughout the whole floor.

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