Chapter 5

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I got back to the dorms just in time for Nova and Niall to ask me out for dinner with them at the pub down the street, and since I still had over an hour until I had to meet Harry at the studio, I decided to join them. No better time like the present to get to know the girl I'm going to be living with for the rest of the year, and her boyfriend who I'm assuming I'll be seeing a lot of. And it was perfect timing since I was in a particularly great mood since my scars were covered and my arms were free to feel the sunshine for the first time in way too long.

The lights were dimmed and the music was loud. The pub was packed with college students, drinking beers amongst friends or eating dinner for two. The atmosphere had a very laid back vibe to it, full of positive energy and it only added to the way I was feeling. I couldn't help the smile on my face that seemed to match everyone else's in the place, as we walked to a booth in the corner past pool tables and arcade games. On the opposite side of the pub was the bar. In front of it, a small dance floor with black and white tiles and beside it, a small stage with a dj station. It was obvious this was the place to be no matter what time of day it was.

"Hey, so it's Niall's birthday on Friday," Nova explains as I sit down across from them. "So you're definitely coming out with us!"

"You're not allowed to say no this time! Cuz it's my birthday and I say so!" Niall cheekily adds, pointing a finger at me.

Going out with them didn't mean I had to drink, but I was still hesitant to answer. I had to remind myself again that I wasn't where I used to be and I had nothing to be afraid of. "Where are we going?"

"Just here," Niall answers, looking around the place. "Last night was great! You should've come! We met tons of awesome people! I think this is my new favorite place and I plan to spend all my free time here!" I smile as I listen to them both laugh before agreeing to attend his birthday with them.

I can tell just by looking at the couple across from me that they're the type of people who have a lot of friends. They're so obviously happy-go-lucky, people would just gravitate towards them. It wouldn't surprise me if they already knew the whole student body of our school and every single one of them liked them. They seemed like the life of the party somehow.

After the waitress comes to take our order, Nova tells me about their first day of classes and says one day they're going to produce some of the most epic movies of our time. Their confidence doesn't surprise me and I'm once again realizing how much she likes to talk.

"Niall's actually writing a script already," she exclaims excitedly. I can tell by the way she says it and looks at the boy beside her, how proud she is to be with him. "It's about--"

"No way Nova!" He cut her off, putting his hand over her mouth. "No one is going to know what it is until it's done! So Shhhh!---" He then looks at me curiously, raising an eyebrow. "Have you ever thought about acting?"

Nova's mouth drops open. "Ohhh yeah, she would be perfect! Good choice, baby!"

I laugh. "No way in hell would I ever act!" I turn them down instantly, shaking my head frantically. "There's a reason I stay behind a camera! So don't even think about it!"

With this, they happily change the subject, asking about my first day of classes as our food gets placed in front of us. I decide not to tell them about the good looking, yet super annoying and cocky boy I got stuck with this morning, who for some reason followed me around. Instead, I lie, and say nothing special happened and tell them about how I changed my number and went shopping. We all happily exchange numbers, just as someone walks over to our table.

"Liam, man!" Niall stands up from the booth to give the guy a friendly handshake. "Nice to see you! Paisley, this guy right here is proof of how awesome the people are that we met last night!" I take this Liam character in, as he slides himself into the booth next to me with his beer and I shift slowly closer to the window next to me. I'm pretty sure he is proof that basically every single guy I've really looked at so far today, has been good looking. He wears a tight black t-shirt and a black and red snapback, and his smile meets his brown eyes with no effort as he looks back at me.

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