Chapter 10

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Six days have passed since Paisley found me with Ruby in the studio. Six very long days. Despite what she had said about not caring about walking in on us, it was more than obvious that she did. She tried to hide that it hurt her and I knew it did the second she walked into the room that night, and every day since then.

She kept her distance, but still stayed close, as a way of trying to show me the whole thing didn't phase her. But her eyes tell me everything. They're what always give her away. I can always tell when she's the most happiest, like when she takes her first sip of coffee in the morning as if getting out of bed was the best decision, just to have that very first taste. Her eyes close like she's in a state of pure bliss. Or when her Dad calls and even though she finds it annoying how often he asks that she's alright, she gets that look in her eyes that says she's happy he cares. Or when we're in Editing class and she can listen to Halsey through those huge headphones of hers, because for her, listening to music is Heaven. Or every time she's behind a camera, it's like hearing the shutter go off is the reason for her whole being.

But this week, I could tell that she wasn't happy. I could tell because she didn't enjoy that first sip of coffee, she told her Dad to stop asking if she was okay, music didn't put that glint in her eye like it usually did and she was always relieved when she didn't have to take any more pictures. It was like the light in her eyes burnt out. The same look in her eyes that she had on the first day of school. A little bit lost and afraid.

I hated not knowing how to take her mood. She was clearly pretending everything was okay. Acting as if nothing had changed. She still sat next to me in class, ate lunch with me, bought us our crappy take-away dinners from the cafeteria while we took pictures for media passes together and still walked with me back to the dorms. We were still always together. But with the front she was putting up, I almost wished she would've been ignoring me the whole time instead. It would've been less painful. She didn't talk as much. There was no banter, no sarcastic remarks and no playful roles of her eyes. She was physically present, but it was like she really wasn't a hundred percent there.

I had apologized so many times, I'm sure the phrase 'I'm sorry' meant nothing to her now because I simply overused the words. She ended up yelling at me on Friday, saying that I'll really be sorry if I say it again. I just couldn't help it though. I needed her to know how bad I felt for it, because I just want Paisley back. The girl who laughs at my stupid jokes and I can bicker with. I even told Ruby to stop being the way she was around me, which I probably should've just done to begin with. If I had, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place, although it didn't stop her from flirting with me. Paisley was right. I didn't give two shits about Ruby. But she is damn hot! And I do stupid things around hot girls. It's what I do. I treat girls like they don't matter, make them think I like them when I only want one thing from them and then throw them away.

I am sitting on my bed going through the pictures I had taken yesterday for Landscapes class on my laptop, vaguely listening to the tv show Niall is watching, when Nova storms into our room pointing her finger at me and slamming the door shut behind her.

"You!" She screams, giving me a death glare as she steals the pillow next to me from my bed. Without hesitation, she starts clubbing me with it over and over again and all I can hear is, "What did you do?"

I'm at a loss for words already, not having a clue what she is yelling at me for and what I did to apparently deserve this beating. But by the looks and sounds of it, I'm in trouble for something. "I didn't do anything," I declare, not actually knowing if it's the truth or not, as I try to steal the pillow back before she strikes me again.

"Don't 'I didn't do anything' me, Harry Styles!" She crosses her arms, leaving me the pillow, and I look at Niall for some back up, hoping he'll get his crazy girlfriend to stop yelling at me. Niall simply shrugs and goes back to his tv show. "You need to start explaining yourself!"

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