Chapter 27

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Song: If I Told You - Jason Walker

It doesn't surprise me to see Harry looking down at me, when I finally decide to look up to acknowledge him. He doesn't look anything like the version of Harry in my nightmare. There is no evil grin upon his beautiful face and his eyes only show concern, and for that I am truly grateful.  I take the cup of coffee from him as he sits down next to me in the sand.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask.

"Good guess?" He answers. "Nova was in a panic and sent me to find you." He takes his phone from his pocket, fingers moving quickly across the screen, sending a text to who I'm assuming is Nova, telling her he found me. A few seconds later, his phone is dinging with what I'm guessing is her reply.

"I told her not to—She really shouldn't have—You didn't need to get out of bed." I'm feeling nervous and I can hear it in my shaky voice. "Thank you for the coffee."

"Are you okay?" He asks. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't look at him. I simply keep my eyes forward at the sun rising over the ocean, letting out a long breath to calm my nerves.

We sit in silence, every once in a while I take a sip from my cup, breathing in the aroma of it as I do so. This is the first time we've been alone since he said we needed a break, and although I'm unsure as to how I feel that he is here with me right now, I decide it's not really the time to run away from him like I have the last few days. Maybe we need to talk. Maybe things wont be so bad in my head if we do.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask, finally looking at him. There's no doubt in my mind that I need some kind of answer, and there's no better person to ask than the actual person who changed the course of my dreams, even if it wasn't really him.

He looks at me curiously, fixing the pink beanie on his head. "Anything."

I find myself staring at him for longer than I probably should, wondering if talking about it, will give anything away. At this point, I really haven't a clue as to if I even care, because his words in my nightmare have to mean something. I know that Harry is a smart guy. I know that he has answers and opinions for just about everything and it will surprise me if he doesn't have something to say about this. "Do you think that your subconscious can send messages through your dreams?"

"Yeah, for sure," he answers. "But I don't think we're always meant to find out what they are. They are just dreams after all, and could just come from our imaginations. I don't think there's a way to decipher if they're really messages or just something we've made up. Does this have something to do with your nightmares? Do you think they're trying to tell you something?"

"Not usually." He has tried asking me a few times what my nightmares entail, but I have brushed him off every single time, that I'm sure by now he knows just not to ask. "But something was different about this one."

He looks at me as if he wants to ask, but is questioning himself if he should or not. I don't give him the chance to, before speaking again.

"Do you think that everything happens for a reason?" I ask. He keeps his curious eyes on me, and I know I look back at him with a similar expression on my face, simply because I'm really unsure as to what I'm really trying to say, or what I want to ask. This dream has really stumped me and I'm at a loss as to what questions I should be asking him. Because in all honestly, I know that I've never done anything all that bad to Harry—not as bad as my dream made it out to seem. "Like if we do something wrong, something bad will happen to you?"

"Like karma giving you what you deserve?" he questions.


His whole demeanor changes instantly, the second his words fall from his lips, almost as if he didn't want to say them and didn't like that I agreed. He starts to shift uncomfortably in the spot he's sitting and I watch him scratch the back of his neck before taking his beanie off and running his hand through his hair.

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