Chapter 38

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The change in mine and Harry's relationship seems to have done wonders for us. I'm happy to have finally been able to push through the fear to be closer to him, because it's helped us to have a steadier relationship. We haven't had one single issue this entire month since coming back from Christmas break. 

The fact that that he used to sleep around and use girls for sex, have one night stands and just not give a shit about a girl's feelings, is stupefying to me. That guy is long gone in my eyes. As much as I know that I have changed since knowing him, I see how much he has too. He has almost always been exceptionally sweet with me since the beginning, but his heart has surely grown and the difference in the way he even looks at me, says a lot about the person he was then, compared to now. 

And I know that we didn't just change for each other. We grew as individuals and became better people on our own. Although he says that I am the only girl he'd ever treat nicely, I know that if things didn't work out with us, that he would treat the next girl just the same as he does me. I know this, because I know he wants what we have, in his life. He wants to be with someone, be important to someone and fall in love and have someone love him. I can tell that it's something he's longed for, even though he'd never admit to it, and I don't doubt for a second, that he'd ever go back to who he was before.

I'm unsure if things don't work out with Harry, if I would be able to trust someone like I do him, but I like to think I'm strong enough now to think that I'm passed my fears when it comes to the opposite sex, that I would be able to be with someone else. I don't want that, of course. But just thinking that my trust in people is back to normal, makes me feel better about myself and see how much I've grown.

"My birthday can be over now," Harry says, standing from the bed to pull his boxers on. "I got what I wanted!" I watch as he jumps back on the bed next to me, smirking as he does, making me squeal.

"That's all you're getting too," I laugh. "Because your actual present isn't even close to being finished."

"I told you, I don't want anything for my birthday, love." He brushes the hair out of my face, hovering over me, and pecks different places on my face in a quick but cute manner. "I got all I need, right here. I'm looking at her right now."

I roll my eyes at him. "You'll get your present eventually, I promise. If you'd ever give me time to finish it!"

I've been trying to make Harry's present for the entire month, asking everyone I know if they had any of what I needed for it, gathering all of my own stuff and putting it together. But Harry was giving me no time to work on it. Since we got back from Christmas break, we've been spending all of our free time away from school together, which with so many photo shoots and workshops on top of homework, really wasn't all that much time. But I would never complain about all the time we spend together, because in all the time we have known each other, the last few weeks have been extraordinary. 

"Maybe I'm not letting you finish it for a reason," he laughs. "Just being with you is all I want. Seriously, Paise, I don't want anything. There's no need to waste your time, when we could just spend our time in bed together."

"Like I said, you'll get it eventually." I shake my head, unable to help the smile on my face. He has been extremely incredible lately. The right words always seem to fall from his lips, and every single time, my heart just seems to melt into this big pile of mush and I'm putty in his hands. I play it off like he's just annoying me, always rolling my eyes at him when he says sweet things, when really, my insides erupt with butterflies and my heart feels like it's going to explode with happiness inside of me and I'm weak at the knees.

"How about this?" He brushes the hair from my neck, allowing it to fall onto the pillow my head is on, and starts kissing down my neck, slowly moving himself to lay on top of me. My legs naturally separate for him to rest comfortably between them and I clasp my ankles together around his waist to keep him from going anywhere. He props himself up on his elbows and looks at me. "I'm going to do something with Niall today, so you can work on my present if you want."

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