My savior

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I couldn't find (y/n) anywhere, I haven't seen her since our fight yesterday when she ran off upset. I thought giving her space would have been the best, but I guess not, because now I can't find her! Then I heard a scream come from the maze.

"(Y/n) you didn't!" I spoke running for the maze just as Minho and Ben came out and froze in their tracks then slowly turned around to look at the maze.

"Was that..." Minho trailed off.

"I think so..." Ben answered.

"(Y/n)?" They both said as I ran past them and into the maze.

"Newt you can't go in there!" Ben called out.

"I don't care it's my fault she's in there in the first place I gotta go save her!" I shouted back still running.

"I'll go with ya!" Minho said running after me.

I kept running even if it hurt my bad leg, I just had to get to her, she was my everything!

I saw her up ahead but she was on the ground cradling her ankle in her hands, she must of hurt it, the two Grievers closed in on her and lifted their stingers.

'No!' I mentally yelled running for (y/n) as the Grievers began to bring down their stingers. I got to her just in time and pushed her out of the way. I rolled with her in my arm protecting her from the hard ground. I shakily stood up and picked (y/n) up bridle style.

"Newt?" (Y/n) questioned.

"It's alright I'm right here I'll never let you go." I told her cradling her closer to me.

Minho stabbed the two Grievers with a spear giving us all extra time to get away. I ran with (y/n) in my arms and Minho right behind us as we ran to the mazes doors we got out right before the doors close. I collapsed on the ground out of tiredness. (Y/n) began to cry.

"It's alright, shhh, your safe now (y/n)." I cooed rocking her in my arms.

"I'm so sorry Newt I should have listened to you!" She cried into my chest her hand having a fist full of my shirt.

Clint came and picked (y/n) up out of my arms.

"Come on, let's get that ankle checked out."Clint said carrying her to the medjack hut. She nodded and laid her head down on his shoulder, I glared at the back of Clint as he carried her away.

'Wait am I... Jealous? Nah... Maybe... Yeah I am.' I thought.

"Newt we need to talk." I turned around and saw Alby with his arms crossed over his chest. I stood up and brushed the dirt off with my hands.

"Yes sir..." I said knowing this wasn't going to be good. I followed him to the meeting hut.

A/N: Well there you go another chapter. Sorry it's so short. Hope you liked it anyway, and comment what you think of it. Thanks!

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