New Girl

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Three weeks, it has been three weeks since (y/n) had given birth to little Lukas, she was always treated like a princess by Gally, which made Newts protective father mode kick in sometimes.

Today while Newt was working in the  fields, helping (y/n) get back into the groove of working again, Gally was babysitting because him and his workers were only working on a tiny project and all he had to do was supervise.

Alby was still out to get rid of baby Lukas at any means necessary, even if that meant sneaking into Newt and (y/n)'s hut to take her, which he has done once or twice already.

(Y/n) could tell Gally had a tiny connection to Lukas and wasn't really worried about it at all, but it did worry Newt a great ton.

It was lunch time and (Y/n) and Newt went over to get Lukas when the alarm went off to signal that the box was coming up again, so Newt picked up his daughter from where she was laying on the ground beside Gally on a blanket, he wrapped her up and brought her to the hut so he could put her down to rest while (Y/n) went to help the boys with the new Greenie and supplies.

Gally reached down and opened the cage up, everyone looked down and saw... another girl.

"*Gasp* (Y/n)!" She said opening her eyes for a quick second before passing out again, everyone then turned to look at (y/n) with surprise.

Alby jumped down and picked up the strange girl handing her to Henry, one of the builders, before he got out himself. Dilan, a gardener, went into the box and began to hand the supply boxes up to everyone.

"(y/n) come with me to the Med-Jack hut, she seems to know you somehow, and when she wakes up I want you to question her." Alby explained leading the way to the hut, Henry still carrying the unconscious girl, Jeff and Clint following behind as well.

"I don't even know her though... well not that I can remember." (Y/n) said mumbling the last part to herself.

Newt walked out of the hut he shared with his lover, when he saw (Y/n) walking with Alby, Jeff and Clint to the Med-Jack's hut, with what looked like an unconscious... girl? In the builder Henry's arms.

Newt quickly ran back into the hut and gently picked up his baby and went to the Med-Jack hut.

When he got to the hut (y/n) turned and smiled, then walked up to him, pecking him on his lips, before taking Lukas into her arms because it was her feeding time. 

"I'm just gonna step over here for a quick minute, its Lukas' feeding time." (Y/n) said going into another room of the Med-Jack hut, Newt following behind her to make sure no one was gonna come into the room while (y/n) breast fed their daughter.

(Y/n) sat down on a bed and pulled down a bit of her shirt, just enough so that the nipple was out for Lukas to get. (Y/n) held Lukas up as the baby suckled her mother.

"She's so cute when she does that." Newt said coming to kneel in front of his family.

"She is her fathers daughter." (Y/n) giggled.

"Touché." Newt grinned rising up so that his lips connected with (y/n).

"Thank you so much for giving me a beautiful family. I love you so much, more than you could ever understand." Newt said resting his head on (Y/n)'s.

"I love you too Newt." (Y/n) replied nuzzling her nose against his.

" Come on you two hurry up, no slacking off you know the rules!" Alby yelled from the other side of the door as he knocked on it.

"Please just one little punch, I wont hurt him... much." (Y/n) whispered to Newt, putting her breast away then handing their daughter back to Newt.

"No love, not yet, one day, but not yet." Newt chuckled, adjusting Lukas in his arms as they walked out of the room. Newt then kissed (Y/n) goodbye and went over to the garden, laid his baby girl under a nice shaded tree then got back to his work.

A/N: There you go guys next chapter up sorry it took so long to upload it, I had no idea what to write, but now its here, so here you go.

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