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Y/n and Newt sat on one of the new benches Gally and his team made, together, enjoying some time alone while Gally watched Lucas for a bit.

"Has that strange girl woke up yet?" Newt asked rubbing his thumb over Y/n's hand.

"No, Not yet. How do you think she knows me?" Y/n asked looking down at their joined hands.

"I dont know N/n, maybe you're related somehow." Newt spoke leaning in and kissing her forhead.


~Time Skip~

"Y/N! SHE'S WOKEN UP!" Chuck yelled running towards the oblivious h/c haired girl who was taking care of her baby.

"Okay Chuck I'll be right there as soon as I get Lucas changed." Y/n said putting a new diaper on her baby girl. Chuck's face scrunched up as soon as the smell hit his nose.

"Ew that's disgusting." He said trying to wave the nasty smell away.

Y/n laughed at the young boy's antics as she threw the dirty diaper in the trash. "You did it when you were a baby as well Chuck, and when you have kids of your own you'll have to change their diapers as well."

"Yeah if I have kids."

"No not if, when, don't worry buddy we'll get you out of here so you can find you true love. Now lets go see the new girl." Y/n gave Chuck a side hug holding onto her daughter with her other arm before the three walked to where the new girl was up top the lookout tower throwing things at the boys.

"Come down!"

"Get down from there!"

"Come on!"

These were some of the things Y/n heard as she walked over to the tower.

"What's going on?" She asked.

Chuck pointed up at the top chuckling, "Man, girls are awesome."

"You can say that again." Y/n smiled.


A sharp cry came from the tower, as rocks were thrown at the Gladers down below. Y/n handed Lucas to Chuck and told him to stay where they were as she ran to where Newt was at.

"Hey! Throw one more of those things and I'm-AH!" Gally said before getting knocked in the head by a rock.


"I don't think she likes us very much." Newt stated hiding under a piece of wood, quickly bringing his girlfriend under with him to safety.

"We just want to talk!" Thomas yelled.




"Whoa, whoa, hey it's Y/n! It's Y/n!" All the rocks stopped falling, and silence filled the glade.

"I'm gonna come up okay?!" Y/n looked up after checking to see if Gally was okay, he only had a small bump on his head.

"Y/n, no!" Gally whisper yelled. Y/n just shooshed him off.

The girl peeked her head out the side of the tower before pulling her head back in.

"Kay. Just me." Newt and Gally looked at her as if she was crazy, they didn't want to let her go up there with the crazy, psycho new girl.

"I'm coming up!" Y/n called as she started climbing her way up the tower. When she got to the top, the new girl held a machete up in defence.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay just. Easy alright.

"Where am I? What is this place? Why cant I remember anything?"

"This is all normal, okay. We've all been through this. Okay, and your name that will come back to you in a couple of days, it's the one thing-"


"What did you say?"

"My name. It's Teresa."

"Teresa, um I'm Y/n. You already knew that I guess huh?"

"They said I kept saying your name in my sleep. Who are you?"

Y/n looked down a bit sad. "I don't know. I-I-I-I cant remember, okay, none of us can, none of us here can remember, anything. We all woke up here, just like you did, okay I promise."

"I'm gonna take this.

Y/n got closer inch by inch and took the blade away from Teresa.

"Okay." She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as Teresa let go of the machete.

"WHAT'S GOING ON UP THERE?!" Gally yelled.

Y/n stood up and peered over the ledge. Most of the other boys were leaving or already left.

"Is she coming down!?"

"Um." Y/n looked at Teresa, then back out at the boys.

"Just give us a second okay?" Gally looked annoyed when Y/n said that but nodded anyways, Newt was now holding Lucas in his arms, bouncing her, trying to calm her down it seemed.

"Alright, come on." Newt said trying to get the rest of the boys to leave as well. Baby Lucas started to whine and reach for her mother.

"I know darling, your mum will be right down. Here you want to go to Uncle Gally?" Lucas started to giggle a little now reaching for the taller boy with funny looking eyebrows.

"Man, Y/n wasn't like this, or is this what all girls are like and Y/n just an exception?" Frypan asked turning around and going back to the kitchen.

Gally and Newt walked away heading towards dining area and sat down waiting for Y/n and the new girl to come down.

A/N: Here's the next chapter I hope you enjoyed reading it, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while I actually kinda forgot about this book and then I saw a couple comments asking me to update it, so here it is.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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