Protect and Love

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A/N: There will be a Lemon in this chapter just look out fot the warnings when they come uO just like last time. Thanks.

(Newt's POV)

I woke up with a really bad headache. I looked to my right and saw (y/n) laying down curled up into a ball on the bed beside mine, she looked so peaceful asleep, then I remembered what happened with Thomas.

I carefully got up from where I was in what looked like the Med-Jack hut, and walked over to my sleeping girlfriend.

"(Y/n)? Love?" I quietly said sliding my hand over her belly. That's when I felt something kick my hand.

"Whoa!" I smiled then leaned up and kissed the place where my baby was at.

"Hey baby, daddy's right here, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you okay, I'll protect you with my life if I have to, no one will ever hurt you." I said talking to (Y/n)'s belly, I felt another little kick.

"She can hear you." I heard a quiet, gentle voice, I looked up to see (y/n) smiling down at me from where I was crouching beside her.

"How do you know it's a girl?" I asked.

"Call it a mothers intuition." (Y/n) replied running her delicate fingers through my blonde messy hair.

"Well whatever it is I hope it's right, a little baby girl would be amazing." I said standing up then leaning back down to kiss her.

"By the way love, are you alright? I saw what happened before I passed out!" I added, worried for (y/n).

"Don't worry, Thomas merely knocked the wind out of me, then Gally came just in time to help." She replied, my eyes went wide.

"Gally stepped in to help!?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, he was actually the one who brought us here and let Alby take care of Thomas." (Y/n) explained sitting up.

"Well then I guess I'll have to thank him for taking such good care of my girls now wont I?" I smirked crawling up onto the bed so that I hovered over (Y/n)'s body.

"Mmmm, maybe later, but right now I just want to spent a little alone time with you babe." (y/n) smirked grabbing the collar of my shirt and bringing me down so that our lips connected.

"Lets not do this here, someone might come in and see us." I said standing up then helping her up, we walked out of the Med-Jack hut together, hand in hand, towards our own hut. When we got there I opened the door and we both walked in, I shut the door and walked further into the house.

(Your POV)

Newt smiles his cute, bright smile and gestures toward the bed.

I walk closer to him and hold him close. "I shucking adore you" I said with a smile.

Newt grins and says "I adore you too (y/n)."

He kissed me as his tongue lightly grazes my bottom lip. He was practically begging for an entrance but I denied his request.

*Lemon starts*

His hands made their way to my womanhood sensually touching it. I gasp and he uses that as an advantage to slip his tongue inside. He explores my wet cavern, which is so familiar to him.

I carefully push him on the bed gently laying on top of him, being careful of my belly. He recoils and turns me on my back and removed my shirt in one swift motion.

He kissed me from my neck to my nave which was popped out from my pregnancy, he unbuttons my pants and lift my hips. He takes hold of the belt loops and slowly pulls them off revealing my lacey panties. He took off his buckles that he wore over his shirt, and his shirt. He began to take off his pants, but stopped mid way, he lent down and kissed me softy then took off his pants.

Laying on top of me he removes my bra skillfully with one hand, throwing it to a forgotten corner of the hut. He takes hold of my breast making me jump slightly. He smiles before putting his lips around my nipple. He was sucking and swirling his tongue around it while messaging the other. The sensation of the two happening in sync caused me to moan, boosting his ego he roams to my women-hood.

"Newt" I moan lowly not wanting any of the other Gladers to hear.

His head finds it's way to the lower regions on my body and he removes my panties with his teeth. His tongue lightly grazes over my sensitive center causing my legs to shake. Newt laughs and bites my inner thigh teasing me more than I can bare.

He stands and plays with the rim of his boxers. His teasing was making me impatient. A devious smirk made its way across his face as he finally dropped them. He lies on top of me gently again, not putting all his weight on me, then he kissed my neck. I could feel his hard member rubbing against my center. I couldn't handle it any more, I was pregnant and really horny, and all I wanted right now was Newt.

"Newt stop teasing." I moan

He smiles, "Alright (y/n)" he kissed me once more before thrusting into me. I moan in pleasure and pain.

Newt thrusts into me slowly. His speed starts to bore me, I insisted he go faster.

"Faster Newt!" His speed increases and ecstasy completely consumed me. I moaned his name multiple times.

"Neeeewt" I breath. "Ahh Newt!"

Newt bites my bottom lip and I climax, I felt Newt twitch the he came as well. He rides out his orgasm then lays beside me.

*Lemon ends*

"I love you so much (Y/n/n)" He said using the nickname he gave me getting comfortable in our bed.

"I love you too Newt." I replied kissing his cheek before curling up next to him and falling asleep, but not before I heard, "I also love you little one, mummy, and daddy can't wait to see you soon." Newt kissed my belly and that's all I remember before I fell asleep.

A/N: Here is another chapter! Thank you guys for reading this book, even if its not that good, I want to thank my friend Emily (Even though your texts wake me up for it) for getting me motivated for writing this book again. So comment what you think, and I think next chapter might be the birth of the baby so I have a little vote for you guys down below comment on the gender and name beside the gender and name you want:













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