Sick or Pregnant???

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(Readers POV)

It has been a week and a half since Newt and I made love. The moment I woke up I knew something was wrong when I smelt Frypan's cook I was going to be sick. I ran to a bucket and threw up all the contents in my stomach.

"I think I'm coming down with something." I said to myself, feeling my forehead.

I sat with my knees tucked tightly to my chest, and rested my head against the wall.

"I'll go and see Jeff and Clint today after breakfast." I mumbled.

I walked to the line for food, still feeling nauseous. I grabbed a lot of food, now feeling extremely hungry.

"You hungry today (Y/n)?" Frypan chuckled noticing all the food on my plate.

"Famished." I said going to find Newt to sit down by him. I spotted him and walked over to him.

"Ello love. How are you this morning, you weren't in the hammock when I woke up." Newt said kissing my lips as I sat down.

"I was just feeling a bit under the weather, but I feeling great now! I'll just go for a small check up after breakfast." I smiled digging into my food.

"Would you like for me to come?" He asked tilting his head in that cute way of his.

"Nah, I'll be fine." I said smiling.

After I ate I did exactly what I said I would do... but after I threw up even more. I cleaned up a bit, tears wouldn't stop rolling down my face from the pain of heaving up everything I ate this morning.

I knocked on the door to the Med-Jack hut, Clint opened the door, he took one look at my pale, sweaty, tear stained face and quickly ushered me inside. I sat down on one of the beds.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" Jeff asked walking over to me from where he was sitting at a table looking over their inventory.

"I don't know, I woke up this morning throwing up, then I went to breakfast feeling fine, then when I was done I started throwing up again, this time very painfully." I explained.

"It wouldn't be your... ahem... lady thing again, would it?" Clint asked making both boys turn red in the face at the memory of what happened when I first got my period in the glade.

"No its usually cramps I get when I have that, and I haven't had it in a while... I haven't had it in a while... Oh no..." I gulped, "I think... I think I'm pregnant..."

"You should probably tell Newt then." Jeff suggested but, I really don't have a choice in the matter. Me and Newt didn't think of the risk when we... made love. Now we have to deal with the consequences, hopefully, together. I couldn't help but think that Newt might reject the baby when I tell him the news. And I really don't think that I can handle it alone.

I got up off the hospital bed shakily and began the walk to the gardens where I would find Newt.

"Ahem" I cleared my throat awkwardly from behind your boyfriend. This was a bad idea but, no going back now I already had his attention.

Newt turned around and smiled immediately upon seeing me. His arms were lightly glistening in sweat and as he stuck his hip out to rest his weight on his plow I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful he was. The way his golden hair glistened in the sun and how his eyes crinkled when he smiled at me. This boy was truly a gift and one that you were not looking forward to losing. I exhaled slowly and deeply and Newt's smile fell.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong? You look pale." He grabs me by the waist and sits down. Newt puts the back of his hand against my forehead and looks at me, "You don't feel hot, are you okay?"

"Newt, I-I'm pregnant. Please don't leave me! I don't think I can do it on my own!" I burst out, tears now falling heavily out of my eyes.

Newt's eyes go wide and he pulls his hand from me.

"I knew this was going to happen." I closed my eyes shut in sorrow and begin to stand up when I felt a hand on my stomach. When I opened my eyes to look at Newt his eyes are now filled with something entirely unexpected... Awe.

"Uh Newt... what're you doing?" I asked with a little laugh, but the tears were still falling.

"What's it look like love? There's a baby in there." Newt's awestruck gaze never left your stomach.

I began to laugh, "So you don't want to leave me now that you know?"

"What kind of shuck-faced shank for brains do you think I am? I loved you before. Nothings changed, except now there's a tiny me or you to love as well. I admit its going to be hard to raise a baby here in the glade but, we'll figure it out, together." He laughed kissing my belly.

"I love you, you know that right?" I said a huge grin on my face.

"Yes love, I know, because other wise this," Newt said while gesturing to your stomach, "might be kind of awkward."

I punched Newt lightly on the arm, then leaned my head on his shoulder. The two of us sat like that for the rest of the day just talking. Newt's hand never left my stomach.

A/N: And another chapter done! BOOYAKASHA! Lol comment what you think. Thanks for reading bye.

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