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(No ones POV)

Its been painfully slow these last few months for Newt and (Y/n), (Y/n)was due any day now and it was driving Newt insane. He wanted to hold his baby so bad.

Over the past few months Gally had gotten a bit curious, and spent a lot of time with the couple, he made it his job to protect the baby and (Y/n) whenever Newt wasn't around, Newt found it funny, but (y/n) found it adorable, that the bulky, 16 year old, bad boy of the glade had an interest in the baby inside of her.

(Y/n) was sitting by the builders, painting crates when she felt pain in her lower stomach, then some kind of liquid run down her legs.

"Ahh!" She cried out in pain.

Gally heard, and whipped his head around to see (Y/n) crouched over holding her belly in pain. He quickly rushed over to her.

"(Y/n), are you alright?!" He asked rubbing her back.

"I-I think.... gah! The baby's coming!" She said gritting her teeth in pain.

"What! Seriously! Oh okay, um lets go get you to Clint and Jeff, then I'll go get Newt." Gally said carefully guiding her to the Med-Jack hut.

(Newt's POV)

I was hoeing the garden when Chuck ran up to me out of breath.

"Hey Chuck, whats up?" I smiled.

"Gally said to get... you... (Y/n)s having the... baby now." He said out of breath but got the message across. My eyes went wide and my grin grew bigger as I bolted it to the Med-Jack hut, dropping the hoe.

I ran right into the hut, (Y/n)'s screams of pain could be heard, and it killed me inside to see her in so much pain, and me not being able to do anything about it.

I walked over to the bed where everyone was rushing around, (Y/n) had her legs spread, ready to push our baby out of her body, her hand was squeezing Gally's from the pain she was in.

"Newt! Thank god your here, I wasn't gonna do it till you were here." (Y/n) said, sweat covering her face. 

"Its alright love I'm here now." I said then she started to push, Jeff and Clint's face were red from embarrassment, so I went and took their place in front of (Y/n), and Gally went back to her side to hold her hand.

*Time skip three hours*

"Almost there love just a few more pushes." I said ready to grab my baby.

Clint and Jeff had to leave, because they kept on fainting. Alby was standing in the corner of the Med-Jack hut his arms crossed over his chest, he wasn't a fan of the idea of a baby in the glade, he said it would only get in the way and distract the other gladers.

Finally my baby's head and shoulders were out, I grabbed a hold of the shoulders and pulled it out. Gally quickly stood up with a towel, he took my baby and began to wash it off in a huge bucket.

"Its a girl!" He said drying my baby girl off then handing her back to me, I smiled while I held her to my chest rocking her, trying to calm her crying down. I walked over to (Y/n) and sat down next to her on the bed, I carefully handed her our baby girl. 

"She's perfect." (Y/n) said.

"What should we name her?" I asked.

"I liked Lukas." She said.

"Then Lukas it is." I smiled kissing the side of (y/n)'s sweat covered face.

"Um... May I hold her, again?" Gally asked his face red.

(Y/n) nodded, Gally walked over to us and sat down in the chair right beside the bed. Soon enough (Y/n) fell asleep from exhaustion.

"She looks a lot like (Y/n), doesn't she Newt?" Gally said grinning.

"Yeah." I grinned back.

"Alright Newt, you had your time with the thing, now give it to me. The glade is no place for a baby, and we don't need another girl here." Alby said walking towards Gally who had Lukas, he quickly shot up handed me my baby then stood in front of us like a shield.

"What!? You can't do that! Shes a glader too now, and the rules ar-" I was cut off.

"The rules don't count for her, she cant understand them!" Alby yelled waking Lukas up and making her cry.

"No, no baby girl, shhh, its alright daddy's right here hunny." I cooed trying to calm her down again.

"Alby, I cant let you hurt her." Gally said crossing his arms as he towered over Alby.

"Stand aside Gally, this has nothing to do with you!" Alby warned.

"No I swore to protect (Y/n), and Newt's baby, you aren't going anywhere near them." Gally snapped back.

"I will get her, remember that Newt!" Alby said then walked away out of the hut, and to greivers knows where.

"Thanks Gally, I really appreciated what you just did for us." I said sticking out my hand for him to shake.

"Any time Newt, don't be afraid to ask me for any help with her if you need it, now I'm gonna go stand out there and make sure that shank doesn't come back in here." Gally said shaking my hand then, leaned down and kissed Lukas' little nose, then he left the hut.

I laid back down next to (Y/n), carefully setting Lukus in between the middle of us, I drifted off to sleep myself, smiling. I was so happy right now, nothing could ruin my life now... or at least that's what I thought.

A/N: BAM! Done that chapter, thank god! Hoped you guys liked it (especially you ) comment what you guys think and I'll see ya'll next tome bai!

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