Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

*Sydney's P.O.V*

"Ugh, Amanda you're going to have to help me here," I griped towards Amanda as she stumbled across the cement of the side walk. With her arm slung across my mid back my forearms helplessy dragged her towards the T.

The T was basically a underground train that traveled throughout the city of London. It was a quiet serene place at night time while everyone was either sleeping or out clubbing. That was my main way of travel to and from work.

"Can you make me pancakes?" Amanda slurred out slouching onto a bench. I sat down next to her leaving out a big huff of a relief. She was not the heaviest girl, actually she was tiny. But as was I, I couldn't lift anything my size.

"No, Amanda." I stated like my mother. I had to nag her when she was in this state. Abbey & Kailey discarded us for a couple of older men back at the bar. They were the type of girls to be set up for a one night stand. Amanda had a very faithful and loyal boyfriend who was on a leave in Japan for his job. He worked  as some sort of enjineer for a very succesful company that I wasn't quite familiar with. Whenever Amanda blabbed about her love life I usually zoned out.

I didn't open to much about myself either, unless I was drunk of course. Earlier after the break with Evan and I, I had blurted pretty much ever awful thing that ratchet boy had ever done to me to Amanda one night. We were both pretty hung over, puking our guts out onto the floor of my apartment but we were perfectly okay to remember it when the sun rose that morning.

I trust Amanda, I knew she wouldn't tell anyone else. Of course I trusted Abbey and Kailey but Amanda and I were closer. We were like sisters.

"I'm tired," She sighed as the T pulled up. I helped her up struggling towards the empty dull lighted train cart.

"I'm sorry, thats too bad." I retorted annoyed.

What can I say? When you have to drag home your best friend from a bar you are going to be grumpy.

Don't test that theory.

After the train ride I helped walk Amanda back to her apartment complex. It wasn't to far from mine so it wasn't a difficulty to get back to mine.

Unlocking my door and hanging my jacket on the hanger I slumped right on the couch unable to make it all the way to my bedroom. I laid my hand onto my forehead and shut my eyes listening to the light humming of my heater.


"Do you think she's awake?" I heard a whispers emerge from over towards the kitchen. Shuffling feet padded towards me and I opened my eyes, yawning & stretching.

"Good morning, sunshine." Kailey chuckled sitting on the agacent couch. She patted my naked thigh. My dress had ridden up revealing my lacy under wear and my heels still hugged my ankles. I swiftly tugged at my dress sitting up straight greeting her with a half drowsy smile.

"Head ache?" Abbey inquired from the kitchen. Her sarcastic tone edged into her high voice. The smell of egg's rose throughout my apartment making my nose twitch with excitement. Even though Abbey had grown up learning only to rely on her cooks for dining she had taken on the passion for cooking.

I mean I loved food.

Her food was no dissapointment. Whenever the girls and I got together she would prepare and cook whatever meal we requested. Overall, she consistently fulfilled our needs. But she was the leader of the group, the big cheese. Her blonde striking locks and blue eyes made her stand out from all of us. Kailey's calmer dyed red hair was very striking but her chocolate eyes made her more bland but not any less gorgeous.

"Surprisingly not really," I shrugged towards the smell of the wonderous cooking.

"Great that means you'll be already for work!" Abbey cheered placing a filled plate onto my lap.

"What time is it?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eye scanning the room. Bright sunshine filtered the place with droplets of warmness. Amanda and Kailey sat on the same couch near me. Abbey continued cooking on the stove top.

"About 11 o' clock," Amanda murmured glancing down at her watch. "Speaking of that, I have to go. My Mom is buying a new condo down town and she wants me to go and help her. Duty calls. See you later girls." Amanda stated giving me a little hug around my neck. She looked good as new compared to last night. It was wonders how fast that girl recovered from a hangover.

"You're clothes are hung up in your bathroom. I'd reccomend a shower for that. . .smell of yours." Abbey waved away at me.

"It's the smell of nature," I defended rising from the sofa.

"Whatever mother nature. We'll see you later. Okay, Syd?" Abbey said putting left over eggs into a tubber ware container. Kailey gave me another neck hug joining Abbey to retrieve their jackets.

"Bye, ladies." I hollered as I made my down the hall towards the bathroom.

It took me a while to get myself prepared for work considering my drowsiness. I disrecarded any text messages from my boss considering my tardiness and headed straight to the T for work.


"You're late." My boss stated popping a hip out as she sorted fish food.

"I know," I simply replied shrugging on my water proof jacket.

"That means you get to be the fortunate young lady to clean out the penguin shit," She beamed amused.

"Oh goody," I unebulliently cheered grabbing a pair of gloves.

I would need them.

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