Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

*Sydney's P.O.V*

"I can't believe you're here. Before my own very eyes. I would have sworn you were finished with me," Amanda gushed grasping my shoulders and pulling me into her warm body. It was a comforting feeling, a silent equanmitity settled over us as her taller composure overwhelmed me. I had missed her hugs and her comforting words more than anything in the world. I was silent, no words were able to be released past my lips but somehow the silence of our body's clinging together was all we needed. Her flat smelled the same. Filled with pumpkin and pie smelling candles, maroon furniture, and a clean area over all. I kept my eyes shut, squeezed tight before she let go to study my face.

"You look horrible," She mumbled.

"Thanks." I whispered, terrified my voice would crack into tears.

"No whitty respond?" She whimpers.

"Not today," I sighed lifting my bag onto my shoulder. She draped her arm around mine and placed a swift kiss to my temple. She was very touchy feely. Even as a best friend she always wanted to be as close as possible. Something with attatchment I guess.

"Let's get you something in that stomach of yours and talk about what happened, shall we?"

"I'll try." She gave me a light nod before leading me into her kitchen. I knew where it was, I just think she was afraid I'd collapse right before her eyes or something. I noticed that pictures of her and Nate didn't scatter the counter tops. All of her favorite candies he would get from being abroad were non exsistent. A stong stinging sensation of guilt coursed through my body as she sat me before the kitchen table. She fixed me some of her favorite tea in a small white mug and fished for some bread out of her fridge.

"Amanda," I spoke softly fingering at the fabric on my wrist.

"Hm?" She stuck her head out from the fridge holding a bag of biscutts.

"You and Nate-"

"Don't worry about it." She smiles at me. "It was mutual,"

"When?" I simply question.

"A few weeks ago. It seemed bad at the time I guess but its just not worth the moping when I could get out in the world and actually make my life mean something,"

"Mean something," I repeat to myself quietly.

"What'd you say?" She questions me putting a layer of butter over the bun.

"Nothing. Just that I missed you,"

"I missed you too, Sydney. More than anything. When you called I nearly had a stroke. Its a good thing I was sitting down," She laughs her cute little giggle before bringing down a steeming cup of tea and some buttered bread.

"Thank you." She nods and sits across from me, watching intently as I placed the food in between my lips. I wasn't hungry or thirsty for that matter. But I felt bad not eating the food she just graciously made for me. Afterall she's taking me into her home free of charge. It feels like I've been doing that to people a lot now.

"Good?" She assures. I nod smiling and pushing the food down my throat. My stomach was churning underneath my hands and I was worried I would lose my food any minute. I hated this feeling.

"Again, thank you."

"What are friends for," She shrugs.

"Don't shrug. This is a big deal. I treated you like dirt underneath my own feet and you painlessly took me into your home like nothing matters. You put all your problems aside so I can sit here and watch you tell me that everything is fine. Everything is most certaintly not fine." I exhaled deeply my face turning to a dark shade of red.

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