Chapter 48

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Listen to 'The Scientist' by Coldplay guaranteed tears.

Chapter 48

*Niall's P.O.V*

After getting off the phone with Harry about my after noon with Sydney the day before he seemed fairly pleased with me. I was getting used to the whole you have to try harder or its useless by now cards. He kept saying I have to stand up to the plate and finally bring up the fact I didn't just want to sit around forever waiting for her to someday leave. I couldn't wait. All I did that next afternoon was sit in silence. I wanted to cry because Harry knew it as well as me if I didn't act soon she would leave. She wouldn't admit it, but everyone knew. But I had myself convinced deep down she had feelings for me. She wouldn't stick around if she didn't. Thank god Sydney was at the book store all afternoon. I was to torn with my life to have her be around.

I waited on my living room couch, fiddling with my thumbs as I waited for her to arrive from grocery shopping. She said she wouldn't let me pay for everything of hers so I allowed her to pay for our food. A small cost but I would do anything to have her be happy with me. My heart was wracking against my chest, I was to nervous to eat and I hadn't slept very well the night before. My head turned swiftly to the door as I heard the garage door close. One slam, two. Her face greeted me with a large smile as she placed locked the door behind her.

"Sydney," I spoke gently. "Can I talk to you?"

He face dropped making my heart plummet. Her hands let loose of the grocery's as they dropped to the floor. A few apples rolled along the hardwood as her hands stayed frozen. I rushed to her side helping her pick up the grocery's. She seemed almost like stone. Seconds later she came out of her trance, dropping to her knee's to help me with the fallen food. "I'm sorry," She mumbled helping me place them on the counter top. "W-what is it that you need to talk about?" She gulped quite obviously her eyes were turning to a lighter color than usual.

"Um," I cleared my throat. I sat down at the island as she stood up directly. She looked like she was about to bolt out of the room which me made me even more incredibly nervous. "We've been living together for a while now and we have been acting like quite a couple but we haven't put a label on it. I don't know what your intentions are or what we really are for that matter but I just want to know what your thinking before my insides explode," I mumbled looking down at the counter top. I didn't want to look up.

"What we are?" She chokes out.

"If this was normal I would ask you to be my girlfriend but from what we've experienced this obviously isn't norm-"

"You're girlfriend?" She interrupts me. She looks at me like I'm a joke. Her eye's are glazed over but her mouth is curled in a sinister look. "You can't be serious,"

"I-I just thought since yesterday,"

"You thought? Niall I'm quite confused. Since when have we been dating? I clear as day expressed my feelings." She states in a harsh manner.

"I took you out on a date the other night, you and me both. For god sakes we had sex the other day!" I try not to raise my voice but anger is replacing my sadness.

"Niall," She starts her voice calmer. "It meant nothing." There in that moment my heart plummets to the ground my mouth drops as I can't find the words to say. "The moving in, all of this. It was your idea; not mine. It was never my idea of what would have happened. You brought this onto yourself."

"You mean to say you don't even have the slightest bit of feelings for me?" I stood up abruptly as she backs up her hips slamming into the countertop.

"Its lust, Niall. Completely lust. I don't know what you feel about me but its not real. Whatever it is that you think is between us is just in your head." She brings her hand to her mouth before shutting her eyes. "I knew this was a bad idea." She slips behind me before rushing up the stairs.

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