Chapter 42

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So turns out; I got home earlier than expected so I was able to post today. Hope everyone enjoys x

Chapter 42

*Sydney's P.OV*

"Is your throat sore?" I mumbled against the pillow my head was resting on. My eye's had yet to open but I had a feeling Niall's were fixated on me.

"No, why?"

"You snore so loud. I swear I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call animal control," I smiled finally opening my eyes to see a very grumpy looking boy. His morning hair however was a major turn on. His eyes were sleepy as he emitted a loud whaling sound before poking the end of my nose with his index finger.

"That was mean," He accused scrunching up his nose.

"I'm gonna get you some of those nose strips that stop snoring,"

"You could sleep on the sofa. There is no way in hell I'd wear those things,"

"I could probably sleep on the other side of the city and still hear you snore," I teased as he furrowed his eye brow's in response.

"You're mean in the morning," He sighed as he flipped over onto his back, his hands clasped over his bare chest.

"But cute right?" I winked before poking the end of his nose with my finger. He continued to scrunch up his nose. "You're cute when you do that. Like a little puppy,"

"Good to know. Anyway, this little puppy needs the toilet. Fancy making some breakfast for me?"

"Burnt toast and week old baked beans good for you?"

"Ha Ha," He rolled his eyes as he spoke sarcastically in return. "I'll take one of your famous cheese and ham omelets with a side of bacon and a boiled egg."

"You don't want much, do you?" I joked whilst he stalked towards the bathroom leaving me alone in the spacious bed we had both grown accustom to sharing.

I slithered out of bed after a few moments of silence and searched through Niall's drawer. Finally coming across a large jumper that barely covered my underwear cladded butt. The jumper hung loosely off my shoulder to the point of it falling off. I slipped it up towards my collar bone and made my way towards the kitchen.

I was mid yawn before a loud and angry knock on the door made me stop in my tracks. When the knocking continued I awkwardly fidgeted at my loose fitting shirt before opening the door.

I wasn't smiling to begin with but when I saw the group of girls in front of me my face didn't fail to fall.

"Aren't you going to let us in?"

"I'd rather not,"  I shot at Abbey before becoming quite humored at her blank face.

Despite my clear rejection of her entrance she hauled herself through the door with her little gang following her. Seeing all their blank faces made me wonder why I had ever hung out with them. All their girly girl personalities put Barbie to shame. They were classy, I was loud. But then again they knew how to get around and to get themselves in to all the extravagant parties.

Abbey, Amanda, Kailey and then there was me - Sydney. The odd one. I never really fitted in for I never followed any of Abbey's rules. Don't involve yourself with my family- oops. Don't get yourself waisted- whats the fun in that? Wear all designer brands - sorry hun but not all of us can have a father with a six figure pay check. Looking back everything looked ridiculously foolish. I mean rules for friendship? I wish I had seen the light earlier on.

"We're here to talk," she asked sternly before glancing behind my body. I turned away to meet Niall's glance. He had a piece of toast in his fingers while he looked as if he was about to lunge at her.

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