Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

*Sydney's P.O.V*

I opened the door to my flat exhuasted from the long hard day of work. My jacket reaked of penguin feces and my hair was filled with similar substences. I nudged my jacket off tossing it onto the plush sofa and toeing my shoes off. I dragged my shoulder bag onto the other side of the couch pulling out my cell phone.

4 missed text messages.

From Amanda: Are you busy?

I quickly texted out a message back contemplating the fact of going out for another night. Sometimes living such a fast and filled life was tiring and you just wanted to relax and sleep. That's pretty much what my feelings were right at this moment.

All I wanted to do was take a nice, long, and hot bath in my jet tub and go to sleep. I darted my vision towards the electric clock underneath my blank tele. It read: 10:34 PM

"Too late," I groaned.

I glanced at the other two messages, one from my Mum and the other two were from Abbey talking about some comercial she saw for 'glamma' gloss'. As you may already be able to tell, Abbey was the girly girl of the group Kailey tying in for a close second. Amanda and I were both the more tough and tom boy type girls. Its not like we disagreed to wear dress's or anything but we wouldn't go on a twenty minute rant about how channing tatums collar didin't match his shoes.

My phone buzzed again dismissing my further thoughts about Abbey's girlyness.

From Amanda: Fine, whatever I'll just spend the night with my cat. All. Alone.

I sighed with a tint of a groan. Boy, did this girl know how to groan. I texted back another 'I love you. But maybe another night' and shut off my phone. She made me feel more bad about anything possible than anyone. Her sweet eyes, puppy dog lips, and irriplasible smile just tugged on my heart strings. I hopped my bum onto the couch skimming through the channels until I found something about a new hot boy band.

"New boy band, One Direction or by the name of '1D' hits top 10 on the Itunes records. Simon Cowell, management of the boys tells us he has many things in store for these boys-" The reported grimaced with a facade smile.

"Boring," I griped. I shut the television off displeased with the show's that had appeared.

Why must there be no modern family at 11 o' clock at night?

I made my way towards my bath room stripping from my clothing to slip into my bath tub. The steaming hit made me skin sizzel in pleasure. I dipped my head back letting the tips of my brown locks soak in the warm, soapy water. When I heard the ringing of my phone in the other room I submerged myself in water attempting to ignore the annoying sounds of Imagine Dragon.


"Why didn't you answer my call last night?" Abbey inquired swinging her legs aimlessly over the edge of the penguin tank.

"You called?" I nervousily swallowed knowing the call I had ignored was Abbey.


"Sorry, haven't charged my phone lately."

"Amanda said you were texting her." She retorted as I finished throwing the penguins their food.

"Must have forgotten to check it then," I shrugged turning back to see a suspicious Abbey cocking her eyebrow. I made my way over to the supplies closet launching the plastic gloves into a bin. I shut it tightly, locking it and plopping down next to Abbey. She was silently staring at the black and white animal in front of her.

"Cat got your tongue?" I inquired chuckling at the penguin flapping his flippers in front of us.

"Why do you work here anyway?" She asked out of the blue.

"It pays, I like animals. I guess its a win- win sort of thing."

"Shoveling shit is a win-win?" She got up amused at my answer.

"Well, if you say it that way-"

"I'm just pulling your leg, come on the car's waisting energy." I nodded following her out of the exhibit doors. Abbey liked showing off her new car that her Dad had recently bought for her 20th birthday so she would pick me up at work all the time now. I didn't mind, less time spent on the gross T's where perverted men looked at your 'good's'.

"So we're going clubbing tomorrow night with a couple of friends. Care to join?" Abbey inquired before dropping me off at my apartment complex.

"What kind of friends?"

"New friends," She stated. "I'll leave the bouncer your name so you can enter the V.I.P area. We're meeting around 8."

"I guess that sounds alright," I shrugged.

"Awesome. See you later, Syd." She gave me a little wave showing off her fancy rings that covered her fingers. Abbey meant a lot to me, even if she was a rich snob at times. She did so much for us that really we should be greatful for.

Tomorrow night was probably just going to be another meet and greet between a couple of known popstars that her Dad could hook her up with.

Abbey would sleep with one.

They would never want to talk to us again.

Same old same old.

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