Chapter 4

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*Sydney's P.O.V*

"I seriously can't decide between the yellow and grey one," I sighed with an exsasperated plop onto the edge of my mattress. I put my head in my hands letting out a grown until I heard Amanda's soft voice hum into the phone.

"Calm yourself, princess." She retorted sarcastically. "Just shut you eyes and grab which ever one your hand leads you too."

"I swear everything is destiny and phsycology to you," I beamed rolling my eyes. I followed her instructions reaching my hand out into my closet. I let my fingers grasp around the silky fabric slipping it off the hanger so it laid in my arms.

"Which one did you pick?" Amanda inquired obviously searching through her own closet because of the ruffling noise throughout the phone line.

"The yellow and black one," I stated. "You?"

"That salmon one you liked from like 3 years ago," I cheered clapping my hands together. She had worn that to the last banquet for track. She looked absolutley stunning in it, she even met Nate that night. That's what made it all the more special. I guess what the had together was love. But that always circled my mind. If you don't get a long at times and its not family-blood-related love. Than what is it?

I certaintly didn't have love with Evan.

4 years of absolute uselessness, thats what it was. I thought it was love. But thats the key to everything, thoughts distract you from what really goes on in reality. Thoughts give you dreams and wants that obviously can't be fulfilled.

Desires are not something I thrive on. Something I'd rather throw out the window.

Theoretically, of course.

I said my goodbye's to Amanda before hiking my dress over my body. It had been so long since this oh-so familiar fabric hugged my skin. The black belt around my waist, the yellow and white clashing together. I loved it. I guess that could be defined as love. But then again, they're inaminite objects. I fixed my eyes onto a pair of black heels in the back of my amoir. I slipped them onto my arches giving them a try to test for how much I would trip tonight.

What can I say?

Clumsiness runs in the family.

I brushed out my hair leaving it in light waves and rushed into the kitchen looking for my clutch.

"Looking for something?" I heard a voice emerge from the opposite side of the living area.

I clutched my heart breathing heavily, "You gave me a heart attack."

"Here," Amanda passed me my clutch and I signaled for her to follow me downstairs so we could catch the T.


"Hey ladies." Abbey greeted us with a welcoming hug. Her tight grip, crushing my insides. I could already smell alcohol on her breath and her voice was slurring with tipsyness. I followed behind Amanda and squeezed into a booth where 5 unfamiliar young men were sitting all next to eachother. Kailey wasn't around but Abbey didn't take long to squeeze herself in next to us.

"Ladies, this is the famous band One Direction." Abbey introduced gesturing her hand forward almost smacking the curly haired one's drink down. He looked utterly concerned about Abbey's state. She would be spilling liquour all over the floor in no time.

"I'm Harry," The curly one nodded then giving me a wide grin. The next one introduced himself as Liam, then Louis, Zayn, and finally the last one who was a bleach blonde introduced himself as Niall.

"I'm Sydney," I grimaced after the long introductions of the quetet. "And this is my friend Amanda." She gave them a timid smile.

"Quiet one you are? Eh?" The blonde one inquired. His voice had a strong irish tone to it.

"Yeah," She shrugged. Her voice was definetly quieter than usual and her shoulders slumped over like she was about to hide underneath the table.

"No need to be nervous, love. We don't bite." Louis chuckled taking a big gulp of his pint.

"Oh she's not nervous, she's usually like this." I simply stated recieving a smack from Amanda in the gut. The boy's chuckled at her movement.

"Well, I'm going to go get a few more drinks. Enjoy yourself." Abbey stated after a few seconds of awkward silence. I was kind of glad that she had left. It gave me more of a chance to see who theses boys really are until she snatched one of them.

As weird as it sounds, she reminded me of a puma or something.

We continued light small talk until a couple of the boys got up to dance. Abbey was quick to go towards Harry. I spotted Kailey running into Louis where they began chatting near the bar. Liam & Amanda got along fairly well considering their shyness. Leaving me with Zayn and Niall.

"You come here often?" Niall inquired simply.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just out of curiousity." He shrugged.

"Sometimes. It's a great bar."

"Aye," He agreed.

I gave them a weak smile and not wanting to feel rude I excused myself to go search for Amanda.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"You come here often?" Zayn mocked trying to stifle his cackle.

"Fuck off," I grumbled giving him a quick pound in the arm. I took another gulp of my drink letting the stinging sensation settle. I had a bit to much to drink tonight already. Tour was pretty much over so we had more time to hang out at bar's.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." Zayn whispered seeing I had spaced out watching that Sydney girl and her friend dance. Zayn let out another chuckle getting up to join Louis & Liam on the dance floor. I decided to stay back enjoying my drink and watching from a far.

There was absolutley nothing wrong with observing people's reactions. We were invited to meet a man's daughter and her friends at a bar why not get to know them? I could see Harry was enjoying himself as the other girl grinded herself onto him.

She appeared as the most fake and prostetic as all the girls. I wasn't formally introduced to the red head one but she seemed to have enough dignity not to go touching men she just met. Sydney's friend obviously appeared the most quiet to met making me wonder how Sydney got her to open so much towards her.

She was intriguing, more so then most girls I have encountered since the tour.

I finished my drink grasping onto my jacket and walking towards the dance floor where Harry stopped to look at me.

"It's getting late, mate. I think we should head home." I tried to yell over the booming music. He nodded pecking the hair line of the blonde in front of  him. She grinned giving him a little wave and pranced over towards Sydney and her friends.

I darted my vision over towards the brunette youthful girl.

I just couldn't get her out of my head.

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