Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Niall's P.O.V*

"I'm never going back to that direction," Harry droned on about how he had to let Abbey 'down easy'. Basically the whole time I gave him slight 'mhm's or 'yup'  as I focused on futbol. The television rang in my ear's as his raspy voice kept leading on and on. I thought he would never end. He began sounding like a ranting girl. I could just imagine Abbey doing the same thing to one of her friends. It was sad that I had to compare him to such a horrid girl. She reminded me of a prostetic manican that would play one of those bitch girls in a movie. She had the personality for it too. Obviously, she began taking a liking for poor Haz here in which he was forced to tell her he had a girlfriend back home. I just feel bad for who ever this fake girlfriend has to be when Abbey wants to meet said such girlfriend. Harry crossed his legs turning to me taking the remote out of my hand so I would focus on his face.

"Hey!" I snatched it back turning the volume back up as one of the players on delta made their last goal. I let out a throaty groan already feeling disheartened at the loss of my favourite team. Harry rolled his eyes taking the remote back into his larger, stronger hands and tossing it to the opposite side of the room. I furrowed my eye brows sending him a 'what the hell do you want?' look.

"Will you please listen to me?"  He pleaded his voice dripping with attitude.

"Long story short, Abbey's a bitch you don't like her. Lets move on, shall we?" I exhaled deeply getting up from the couch to retrieve the scattered remote. The back had broken off so I shot Harry another annoyed look. He gave me a 'I'm sorry but I don't mean it' smile than walked back towards me.

"What are you wearing tonight?" Harry inquired leaning against the door to my closet. The crevices flaired as he laid pressure onto the wood. He fingered the edges of his jacket as I searched for my watch to look for the time.

"You're such a girl." I grabbed my watch seeing it was already 8 o' clock. "I'm going to go shower, I'll meet you in the lobby at say. . .8:45?"

He gave me a willing nod sucking in his bottom lip inwards. I could only hope that he would get there on time. I didn't want to be late for another clubbing session with the girls. They were all such lovely company minus Abbey. Zayn keeps giving me loads of crap that I hadn't stepped up to the plate and asked for Sydney's number. I would swear that if I had asked any sooner she would have pegged me for some stalker. I didn't understand how Zayn already had Kailey, Sydney, and Amanda's number. More importantly, Zayn had a girlfriend.

"Wait Harry," I hollered before he left my apartment. He turned his head around the hallway door cocking his eyebrows out of curiosity.

"Make sure to tell Zayn that we have to be there by 9,"

"Will do," Harry waved his hand off as he turned and slammed the door behind his back. I clucked my tongue out of lost hope for Harry. He tended to lolly gag like crazy ignoring his tasks that I tell him. He sets the bar to high for himself thinking that he's perfect at everything including sending attention towards woman. Honestly, when he whistles at woman down the street the only thing I want to scream is, "She's a lady not a dog!"

I ridded my floating thoughts as I got into the steamy heavan of my shower.


"I can't believe we're an hour late," I muttered under my breath. Liam gave me a hard slap on the back chucling at my grumpy state.

"Chill out, mate. Its not like we're married to them," Louis jeered in.

"If Harry settled for a grey beanie instead of his needed black one we could of been here hours ago," I griped. The rest of the boy's mumbled a bunch of 'cool down' or 'calm your tits, horan' as we approached the bar. The bouncer let us right in seeing the significant screamig girls at our sides. The booming music was a better alternative to the teenage voices outside the bar. Liam & Zayn escaped to different corners of the room already ordering their drinks. I spotted Sydney & Amanda talking in a booth on the agacent side of the club. I strutted over there trying to make myself appear less dorky since our absense.

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