Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

*Niall's P.O.V*

"I'm leaving to rehearsal," I hollered down the endless hall. I wasn't quite sure to which room she was in. Most likely in our bedroom. Our bedroom. It wasn't like we were married or even dating for that matter but we both slept in it. We both cuddled in it. We could both call it our own. I was seriously thinking of putting her name on our lease so we could really share it but I had a strong feeling it might freak her out to a high level.

"Wait come here," She peaked her head outside the doorway of the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I inquired following her into the tiled room. I hadn't slipped my shoes onto my feet so the frigid tiles sent sensations up my spine. "You're not pregnant are you?"

"No! Niall we haven't been in bed together in nearly 4 months." She spoke with a straight face obviously trying to hide the flush to her tinted cheeks.

"Just checking," I winked. She hopped up onto the bathroom counter top leaving a space for me to slot my body in between her parted legs. "So what's up?"

"I have a proposal for you. I'm not sure if you'd like too but-"

"Just spit it out, Syd,"

"Alright." She exhaled. "My parents want to meet you. Like they kept bothering me because they found out about my lease being denied at my old flat. So obviously they were curious to where I was living and your name kind of spilled out-"

"Sydney, take a breath," I laughed seeing her ramble on. Her cheeks were bright crimson and her large grin was priceless.

"Its nothing serious, they just want to know your not a drug dealer or something," She laughed quietly.

"Well no drugs here," I replied. "So like when?"

"They just want to video chat. The prices of plane tickets across the world are a bit over their minimum wage,"

"I could pay-"

"No, don't even think about it." She stopped me. She really didn't like me paying for anything of hers. This was enough, more than money. She actually wanted her parents to meet me even if it was in a completely platonic way. I wondered how she introduced me. Her friend? Her boyfriend? Her room mate? My thoughts we're interrupted as Sydney began to speak again. She took my hand in hers and rubbed her finger over my knuckle sending a warming sensation throughout my body. There wasn't a single upset bone in my body right now.

"You can't spend any more money on me or else what Abbey said is going to become a reality,"

"I wouldn't worry about me using you for sex." I blurted. Her eyes widened at my statement as her cheeks flushed yet again.

"I'm saying using you for your fame, weirdo."

"Either way," I shrugged laughing with her. "So wait, why did you have to tell me this in the bathroom?"

"One more thing-"

"You're pregnant aren't you."

"Niall, stop!" She slapped my arm then pulled a piece of stray hair from in front of her eye lid.

"Could you stop at the store on your way home?" She questioned hopping down from the counter top. I released her hand from mine still focusing on her.

"What do you nee-" I stopped myself. "Oh, I get it."

"Thanks for making that not as awkward as possible," She snorted grabbing a hair tie from the counter top and pulling her hair up from her face. Some how she looked even more incredibly beautiful. Her cheek bones were more prominent then ever causing her face to nearly glow. I had to keep myself from grabbing her face between my fingers and kissing her.

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