Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

*Niall's POV*

Her lips, her composure, and her facial expressions were sending me mixed emotions as I continued to drive down my never ending road. I wanted to get home, I wanted to pick her up and hold her until I nearly squeezed the life out of her. I couldn't believe I was denying about how much I missed her. I missed her more than anything. It felt good to have her next to me. It felt like we were on different grounds now and that this wouldn't be a never ending cycle. That felt good. I think Sydney noticed my deep thoughts as she questioned me. I barely heard her words, but enough so I could respond.

"Everything alright?" She asks me calmly.

"Everything's great." I accompany my words with a smile. We finally pull into my drive way and I can feel the tenseness of the car increase. She's scared, I'm scared. My emotions were truly going haywire. I knew I was in for something when Amanda called me and warned me Sydney had been staying at her home for the past night. My original plan had been to simply talk to her and ask her to come home without all the confessions. But I guess I caught her off guard. Her eyes were still bloodshot and I noticed her clothing was the same as it was when she left. It was a lot baggier and the fabric was pinched in some area's like she had yanked at it like a rag doll.

"Ready?" I spoke. She nods opening up her door and walking to the back to grab her little carrier luggage.

"Not much, eh?" I try to lighten the mood. She just gives me a half smile and that's when the anxiety sets in. My palms begin to sweat as I here her footsteps padding up behind mine. I shove the key into the lock than stupidly realizing they were my car keys. I hear Sydney's short snort behind me as I fiddle for the correct key. I can hear my ear's buzzing with anticipation as the door pulls open. Sydney walks around me as I pull the key back out of the socket and toss it onto the countertop. She walks into the kitchen, sits on one of the stools and grasps her hands together on top of the island.

"Can we talk?" She says quietly.

"Of course," I reply standing in front of her. I debate in my mind whether I should take her hands or not, by her uncomfortable position I decline.

"Niall, I love you." She says. I was expecting something a lot worse, but than again I couldn't of expected anything better. The way her eyes light up when a smile curls on my lips makes me want to nearly jump on top of her; but that wouldn't exactly have been appropriate in this situation.

"I love you." I say. "I love you. I love you. I love you!" I continue to mutter the words onto her lips as I nearly lift her out of the seat. I feel her lips move on mine, slowly. So I know everything's okay.

"So is this how it feels?"

"How what feels?" I mumble still holding her against my chest.

"To be in love,"

"I don't really know, to be honest. This is the first time I've felt anything like this."

"You're such a sap." Sydney snorts. I would have thought it would ruin the moment but in reality I didn't care. All I cared about was her in my arms, her face under my chin, and my hands running down her spine. Over, and Over, and Over.

"I'm being honest."

"You've never loved anyone before?"

"Not before you, no."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You hated the thought of anything to merely be close to love, remember?"

"Mhm," She mumbles nuzzling her head into my chest. "I don't know what I was missing."

"Sydney," I say again after a few seconds of silence.


"Will you do the honor of being my girlfriend? I will promise to love you every day and every night I'm with you. Even when I'm not, I will still love you."

"That's a bulky promise,"

"I can keep promises."

"All promises?" She quirks her eyebrow in the most adorable way.

"All promises," I reply confidently. The way she tips up her head to look at me makes me nervous for what she's going to say.

"Promise me you'll never love another girl no matter what happens in life. Even if I leave you, you won't forget about what we always had."

"I can't make that promise." I say. She slumps down and removes her hands from my sides.

"I can't make that promise," I begin grabbing onto her hands and pulling her close to me again. "Because I hopefully will love another girl someday. And hopefully, she'll look a lot like you."

"You scared me." She giggles, I can tell she's blushing majorly.

"You're gonna have to get used to that," I laugh pressing another kiss to her lips. She smiles into the kiss before playfully elbowing me in the ribs.

"Fuck you."

"With pleasure," I smirk placing my hands underneath her arse and pulling her up onto my hips. Her back is pinned to the island now as I continue to kiss her, quick.

"Niall," She says out of breath as I nip at her jaw bone. "I will be your girlfriend."

"Finally," I sigh wrapping my arms around her waist to unbutton her bra.

"I love you." She says again.

"And I love you."

Author's Note:

To be honest; I don't really want to write an epilogue. I like it where it ended and maybe someday I can write a sequel. I just think its going to end up being like every other one, they get married, have kids, bla bla bla. Don't hate me for making this judgement/opinion I just don't see a point in it.

BUT, the prologue for my next fanfiction (its a harry one) will be up really soon.

I love you guys, thanks for being here and reading and voting and commenting and just being the best people in the world.

Second Fanfiction: Complete.


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