Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Niall's P.O.V*


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sydney jeered. I felt her body shaking next to mine, hands trembling, heart palpating rapidly.

"As long as you are," I reassured sweeping a piece of hair from her swollen cheek. She gave me a convincing grin showing her purly whites. "You know, you have such a beautiful smile," She grinned wider pecking my cheek.

"On the contrary, you should buy yourself a mirror," She giggled snuggling her head into the nape of my neck. The smell of flowers and hollister perfume wiped me in the face. Her brunette hair cascading down my forearm.

"We're really bad at this," I chuckled. She cocked her eyebrow tipping her head off of my opposite arm. I let out an earthy breath. "Putting it off and everything."

"Your such a freak," She swatted at my arm her cheeks changing to a bright crimson red.

"A common trait we share, babe." She stuck her tongue out far and I mockingly followed her indesicisve movements. She grinned widely again and I couldn't help but connect our lips together. Her tongue didn't take any longer to slip inside my mouth swishing back and forth.

We both pulled back & I inhaled out deeply, "Maybe another night, love."

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled tucking her head under my arm and shut her eyes. I placed a kiss to her forehead leaning mine on her soft skin. "Night, Niall."

"Good night, babe."

I woke up with a jolt slamming my head on the head board. I was laying on my stomach feeling the pains pulsating in my brain from the quick stab of the wood. I rubbed my fingers through my vision clearing extra sleep and sitting up. I curled my legs up to my chest examining the scene in front of me. Clothes was strewn about my bedroom and the tele was still buzzing in front of me.

I darted my vision towards the alarm clock which read, 11:46 AM.

"Thank god," I mumbled slipping on a nirvana t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed my white sneakers and ran my fingers through my hair. Harry had warned me the night before that I couldn't be late for rehearsal. That's why they all left early to be able to get to bed.

I coulnd't, I didn't want to leave Sydney. We didn't talk one-on-one as much as I liked. She seemed to clique with Zayn more. I guess it was the same liking in video games. Zayn had a girlfriend though, so it was nothing I had to fret about.

Sydney was. . .she was irresistible. I didn't know why or how it all happened. Everything about her lured me in. She didn't open up ridiculously but she didn't keep to herself. I liked how she treated me & the whole band like normal people.

Liam said it was because she wasn't a fan of us.

Whatever it was I wanted to learn more. I hadn't known her for that long, for all I know she had a boyfriend. It made me curious why she didn't want a drive home.

'She barely knows you.' I kept telling myself over and over again.

Maybe that's why I dreamt about her because I couldn't get my mind off of her all night. Like they say you dream about the person you fell asleep thinking about. Her face was glued in my mind like a painted picture. The rest of the girls were down right beautiful but like I said she was different.

I hurried my self as I made my way towards my car and the stadium. I had already received several fairly angry text messages about my tardiness. A migraine was forming in my lower temple from a mixture of the head bump and alcohol I intook last night.

What can I say, I'm an Irish man.


"Finally," Liam griped placing his hand on the small of my back shoving me into the recording station. The glass was pained and murky where the recorders sat. Harry & Zayn were in a deep thumb war while Louis was typing away on his cell phone. I gave them a nervous grin swiftly placing the head phones over my ear's and preparing for practice.


"Good job today, guys." One of the recorders congratulated as we entered the lounge. Louis & Harry sprinted towards the food while Zayn & Liam went to call their girlfriends.

"So how's your girly friend?" Harry mocked.

"What do you mean?" I inquired taking a bite into the guava in my grasp.

"The girl you slept with last night," Louis nonchalantly cleared up for Harry. I nearly spit out my whole fruit as I heard the voice lull of his tongue. "What was her name. . .Sydney?"

"I didn't sleep with her!" I contradicted giving him a good slap on the bicep. He cowered in pain as Louis stepped back in fright. "I stayed a bit later to clean, that's all. She went home on her own."

"You mean you left her on the streets, ALONE? No wonder you don't have a girlfriend," Zayn scoffed. Harry & Louis nodded in agreement taking sips of their water.

"No," I groaned. "I offered a ride but she declined."

"Oh, harsh one, mate." Harry beamed. I shrugged tossing the pit of my fruit into the trash.

"So what are you going to do now?" Liam inquired curiously joining me on the sofa I had just planted my butt on.

"I guess what everyone does, lead her in."

"Are you up for the chase?" Zayn inquired. I cocked my brow at him turning my body towards him. I crossed my legs and he took a big gulp of his drink.

"When I was having a chat with her she told me how she doesn't really date."

"Why not!" Louis griped. It was hilarious how much these boys got into my love life. I guess it was because I didn't date much. I had little flings, but never real serious relationships.

"She said she doesn't believe in love er- something like that,"

"Well that's a bit personal," Liam scoffed.

"Boy's we're closing for the night. You might want to pack your things and head home. Because of your success today, there's a day off." Our manager hollered into the doorway. A chorus of cheers roared as we collected our things making our way back out into the parking lot.

"Ask her out, see what happens." Zayn suggested.

He was right. I would have to be up for a chase if she was like that.

From what I've seen, heard, and observed I was as much up for a chase than I ever had been.

Sydney, I hope your ready for a race.

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